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In the June 8, 2020 TWIT news post (The Week In Trans) our news compiler Cecilia Barzyk included a story from Pink News concerning a person known as Fred Sargeant. The Pink News story alleged Mr. Sargeant had lied about his role in the 1968 Stonewall Riots. Based on the Pink News story, written by […]
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The Covid-19 pandemic has affected our entire society but Dana Bevan focuses on the parts of the transgender community and how the pandemic has affected us. Things that provided relief to dysphoria, such as support group meetings, days long conferences, and simple things like hugs have all been suspended. Will those parts of our transgender culture come back after the pandemic?
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A Poem by Charles James/Kurt Peterson
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Today Rabba Rona, a disabled queer trans rabbi who served in the U.S. Navy writes that she was appalled and outraged when federal agents beat a Navy veteran on the street in Portland, Oregon when he did nothing wrong except ask them a question about what they were there to do. Whether you are conservative or liberal you should read Rona’s post and view the video of the vet being beaten. It should be a warning to all of us.
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Today’s Drag in Cinema starts in 2004 with the film Connie and Carla and takes us through the first decade of the 21st century till 2007. In between we look at Stage Beauty, Kinky Boots, Big Momma’s House 2 and several more. We also talk about a trilogy of underground films produced by and starring RuPaul that she made in the ’80s but rebooted in 2007.
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Today I am going to write about what I think and feel, what I miss and long for. Today more than giving an opinion on some subject as I normally do, I will talk about myself. How in the blink of an eye our lives changed without realizing it, how we look back with nostalgia […]
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A week ago Sophie Lynne marched in a peaceful protest in State College, Pa., the home of Penn State University. Now that some time has passed Sophie had thought about the experience and gives you her conclusions in today’s blog.
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This month Lorraine Anderson talks about the advantages for male to female crossdressers presented by the new rules requiring masks. Could masks become a coveted fashion accessory? Anything can happen in the world of fashion! Lorraine also discusses how to wear your mask, the difference between mask styles, and reminds you that as the owner of a custom clothing business she can sew you a mask in any pattern you like.
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Today Drag in Cinema looks at the use of drag in films from the 1990s. The decade kicked off with Tila Swinton in male drag in Orlando. It ended with the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman as a character identified as a drag queen in the film Flawless in the last year of the decade. In between there are several films that used drag for mostly comedic purposes, and one film that celebrates drag for the joy it can bring.
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Trying desperately to escape from the madman with the sharp instruments Kay runs and runs but is wearing down. Frantically she searches for somewhere she can hide. She finds refuge in a very tight crevice at the base of a wall. She forces herself into it fearing at every moment she will feel a hand grip her ankle and pull her out for a gruesome fate. Then, she squeezes through and sees a light.
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When Claire Hall was a child she used to love to read. The year was 1969 and Claire was a 10-year-old living as a boy. Since she didn’t care for sports or other rough and tumble activities engaged in by most boys her age she looked forward to being able to stay indoors in bad weather and dive into a good book. She had no idea that people who felt like her existed or that changing genders was possible. One day she read one of L. Frank Baum’s Oz books and found a character that inspired her.
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It’s the end of the year and trans women are still being killed. Many are misgendered by police and the media. Los Angeles opens a place for homeless young trans people to stay. A trans woman track and field star is the Female Athlete of the Year. North Carolina wanted to keep transgender people out of women’s rooms. Now two trans candidates are looking to step into the state senate. Looking at the past decade a writer sees that as trans people have become more visible they have been targeted more by haters. A new study shows that trans children know their gender identities at the same time as cisgender kids. Surprise! Being treated badly because you are transgender has a negative impact. J.K Rowling is still in hot water for her support of a TERF. Ricky Gervais walked back his support of Rowling’s statement when backlash called for him to be dropped as host of The Golden Globes. A trans opera singer in Brazil went from a tenor voice to singing soprano. A female skeleton was unearthed in an all-male monastery. Does this mean there was a trans man monk? There’s all that news and a lot more waiting for you right now in TWIT!
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A crossdresser who was giving up her femme self asked Jan Brown to take her now unwanted femme wardrobe items away. Jan was amazed at the amount of feminine attire the purging crossdresser had accumulated. Jan thought she would just be able to get rid of the stuff at her local support group but the sizes weren’t right and not many of her fellow members could take much of it. Fantasia Fair would only take brand new items. Jan had to find a place where the purged wardrobe would be put to good use. Fortunately she found a solution to her dilemma and today she share it with you.
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By Melanie Yarborough (Neutral Corner) San Diego’s annual Transgender Day of Remembrance took place on November 20th at the LGBT Center in Hillcrest. The event mourned losses, celebrated lives, and offered a message of community love and resiliency. In spite of the intermittent rain, many participated in a candle-lit vigil march through the surrounding Hillcrest […]
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If you’re freezing in a pencil skirt and flats it’s hard to project a sexy, confident look. Pauline Estelle has some tips on how to look good, be stylish and stay warm in colder climes. Boots, coats, and other winter attire can be put together to make you a sexy, confident — and warm lady.
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Melanie Yarborough has a report on the San Diego Pride celebration Pride by the Beach which took place on October 12.
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Melanie Yarborough reports on an event sponsored by San Diego’s Diversionary Theatre. It brought together artists, playwrights, actors and others involeved in the theater world to discuss trans and gender nonconforming portrayal in theater today.
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It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and that means rain. Everything from lingering showers to heavy downpours will occur in many areas. That makes it tough for those of us who enjoy dainty, feminine footwear. From the every popular ballet flat to kicky kitten heel pumps we are often challenged in our fashion choices, and in the worst weather some of us must resort to carrying our preferred footware in a plastic bag while we trudge through the rain in rubber boots. But Sabrina Symington has another tactic to deal with those shoe destroying puddles.
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Back in the late 1990s TGForum contributor Hebe Dotson wrote about a transgender plot twist in one of Frank L. Baum’s Oz books. The twist happens many chapters into The Marvelous Land of Oz. Some of the familiar characters are present and the action takes place after the Wizard has headed back to Kansas. Dorothy and Toto have also left Oz but the Tin Woodman and Scarecrow team up with a boy named Tip and a being Tip has accidentally created named Jack Pumpkinhead. Because his head is a pumpkin.
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Back in 1996 Aleisha Michelle Emerson contributed some columns to TGForum that explored the transgender side of rock and roll. She began the columns in the 1950s and covered up to 1970 with her first column which we brought back last month. Today we present her column on the influence of David Bowie and the Glam Rock of the ’70s.
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Dana Bevan has been at the US Professional Association for Transgender Health convention is Washington, D.C. and she has filed a report about what happened over the weekend. First she runs over some history about where transgender health advocacy began. Turns out it was at the kitchen table of trans activism pioneer Louise Lawrence. Learn some history and get the current news from USPATH’s convention from Dana.
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Pauline Estelle goes under cover, well, under our outer garments, to blog about the things we wear under our dresses. There is a remarkable variety of lingerie women can wear. Either it has a purpose, such as molding a body needing a little help to reach the popular conception of an attractive shape, or to add spice to romantic encounters. Some say that just wearing lingerie can make you feel better and more sexy. Pauline explores the foundation and night time garments that she enjoys. See if you are a fan of those items as well.
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Dr. Dana Bevan writes today about a trend that is a threat to transgender people around the world. It’s called intersectionalism and it is a tool used by the patriarchal male hierarchy to create oppression. Transgender people are all outcasts and outlaws from the larger culture, intersectionalism is just a new trap to be avoided. Trendy intersectionalism probably will not go away for a couple of decades, so we will have to learn how to deal with it. Dana explains what it is and how it is relevant to you.
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For the last several months Linda has been telling us the story of one of the early gender transformation stories of the airline industry, a story apparently buried by a 50-year confidentiality agreement. Questions? We all could have questions about this story. One might be how likely was it that Patricia could find such a supportive and eventually loving friend in the person of First Officer, Dan. Ask no more. Here is Dan’s story.
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With all the Pride activities that happen around June and July Sabrina Symington has some thoughts on how she, as a transwoman, relates to it all. Sometime she has a hard time being proud because of negative treatment but at other times. . . . We’ll let her cartoon speak for her.
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Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Welcome to SUMMER! Olaf’s, from Disney’s Frozen, favorite season. Curiously, since he is a snowman. Little did he know. “Bees’ll buzz, kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz and I’ll be doing whatever snow does in summer,” he sang obliviously. Speaking of the movie Frozen, which I adore, there are a […]
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