Tranny Queer, the Love of Nasty Words

The Artist D
I love nasty words. Everything boils down to perception. People succeed and fail upon perception. They also live and die on it. You get the job because you were perceived a winner on the interview. You are tied to the back of a pickup truck and dragged through the back woods because someone perceived your glances incorrectly.
Nasty words are nasty because they are powerful. Freak, Fag, Queer, Tranny, are powerful words because they can be perceived as nasty words. They may be used to vandalize as much as they can use to uplift like a supersonic blast of love.
I learned to love the words when I realized that perception and context had everything to do with anything. Growing up in an era that no longer exists helped me too. I had a look at gay culture when it was still underground. Back in the days when it wasn’t totally cool to be gay, but wasn’t totally uncool either. The days gay lived in secret with your fellow gays. It wasn’t so long ago, especially for me. I was lucky enough to be born during a time where it was out but it wasn’t out. You had gay family members you loved “but we just don’t talk about his roommate friend.” It was out, but not out. You still had to go to the club to get the full experience of queer culture.
Running down a dusty corridor getting yourself ready for tonight’s drag performance as your friends called you a fabulous Queer, Tranny, Fag, and more. They loved you. They loved me. You’re such a Queer. And suddenly it was a good thing. The kids at school told me I was a queer and that was bad. As a teenager my friends told me I was such a queer and it was a good thing. The power of words. Those nasty delicious words.
I love those words because I love to be in control. Much like a gun can kill, it can also save, and when you use it for good you suddenly feel a certain way about things. That is when you turn a word of hate into a word of love. And when you finally become saved by a word that hurt you, you then understand all about the power of perception. You feel better. You have harnessed its power.
I will not use the cheesy excuse that we are “taking back the word.” The word was never taken. No one gets the privilege of stealing a word. Which is the confusion brought to many Tranny Queer’s minds when they are desperately wishing they could be the Tranny Queer. Can it be as simple as a change of mind? Is it really so simple to change a word by just using it differently? It is. It can be.
To be continued . . .
Category: Transgender Body & Soul