The Crossdresser’s Wife — The Whole Truth
Social media headlines about gender issues such as crossdressers, transvestites, transgenders and transsexuals, keep running across my computer almost every day. Some things are changing, while others are not.
This is one sizzling issue that so many are discussing — tragically without much real knowledge. The myths are perpetuated — while many facts are hidden from the general public.
Whose responsibility is it to educate society about the TRUTH around these murky, ambiguous conditions? Collectively ours, since we are living it or living with it … right?
Why do I have to be the bearer of the bad news all the time on the Cross Dresser’s Wives Forum? Your wives THINK they just found out that their husbands are crossdressers — then, after they discover your feelings of being trapped in a woman’s body with male genitals — I have to be the one to drop the bomb that their husbands are NOT crossdressers, even though they are crossdressing. Instead, they are transgenders! BIG Difference! By definition, someone who is transgender is one who believes that he or she is trapped in the body of the opposite biological sex.
For most of those TG WIVES who had little to no clue as to your gender preference — they are not prepared in any way to learn that the truth is worse than they thought. At least with many crossdressers’ wives (CDW) they still think that they can change your crossdressing ways by trying to entice you with their own sexy, silky, raunchy (etc.) lingerie and wild sexual encounters. However, we know now that this is far from the truth, since crossdressing has NOTHING to do with the wives — neither do your feelings and desires of wanting to be women.
How many have been able to be more forthcoming to the woman they married and committed to love and cherish? What are you waiting for? Another baby? Next year? So you could save up enough money to begin transsexual procedures? Unfortunately, too many of you have waited too long to live a truthful life. If you are looking for the right time to tell … the right time is BEFORE MARRIAGE! And if you did misrepresent yourself and married her first — then the responsibility of revealing as early as possible that you are actually a transgender (who of course crossdresses too) lies with you. And the time to tell her is NOW!
Your Favorite Cross Dresser’s Wife,
Dee A Levy, MA
The Cross Dresser’s Wife *Our Secret Lives
[email protected]
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion