Sissies Down Under
Our new Australian correspondent offers some info on the difference between nomenclature in the LGBTQ communities of the USA and his native land. We’re all aware of some Australian terms like G’day; Sheilas; and “outback” but those are general terms used in everyday speech. How do the Sheilas and Bruces in the LGBT community there chat with each other? Here’s some insight from John Storey.
Be wary about using Australian terms, we are a vulgar race. Ladies with a bit extra would be described as “Chicks with Dicks” or “Cocks in Frocks.” As mentioned before Sissies here would be called, Pansies, Queens (remember Priscilla Queen of the Desert), Fairies. Those are terms the average Aussie would use without compunction.
As for Queer Nomenclature down under, borrowing, alright plagiarizing Bill Shakespeare: What’s in a Name? A Sissy by any other is just as Cute.
I happily identify as a Sissy. It seems to me that not only in the general community but also in the Gay Community that CDs, Sissies et. al. are regard as being vain and vacuous. I do not believe that, I do not want to believe that. Being a Sissy is to me a State of Mind, I am sadly straight looking, straight acting (unless in the right company) and straight sounding (a bit like a Antipodean version of your Secretary of State Rex Tillerson). We are, well most of us are a different person to our Parents, work colleagues, say hobby club members etcetera. For me the only group or individuals I could be completely candid with, not have to be “on guard” with are Sissies, Crossdressers et al. who are Gay.
I do have good friends who share similar interests like motorcycling, model building and so on but sexuality is never discussed, which is as I think it should be. But when with a Sissy I could not imagine any topic being off limits.
A Sissy is not good at machismo. The word effeminate is a pejorative to the general population of straight men but not to me. The implication is that a Sissy is vacuous, vain, not fully in control of his emotions, is shrill. A Sissy has to be mentally tough if he is going to survive in this sometimes unpleasant world. He should also have I believe, a vulgar sense of humor. An imagination is also good, perhaps mine is a little over-developed.
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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion