Twit Awards for the Week

| May 9, 2022
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twit: 1.  A foolishly annoying person.  2.  To taunt, ridicule, or tease, especially for embarrassing mistakes or faults.

Bradley Curry has chosen to skip his high school graduation, because his principal insists on using his deadname during the ceremony. For ruining what should be a happy occasion for one of this students with the insistence on using the “legal name” at a ceremony he controls, principal Mike Whitten gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.

Dave Chappelle was attacked by a member of his audience. Security guards quickly responded, and the attacker was eventually taken to a hospital for treatment. Right after the attack, Mr. Chappelle joked, “He must be a trans man.” For making a bad joke about trans people as an excuse for his own lack of understanding and lack of courtesy, Dave Chappelle gets another Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.

Dennis Hodges, a senior pastor in the San Diego area, writes in The San Diego Union-Tribune that his views on transgender people “comes from the Bible.” Actually, he formed his view first, and then looked into the Bible to find any passage he could twist to fit his view. He conveniently ignores the passage in Acts of the Apostles where a eunuch is accepted as a Christian by the apostles, the most direct reference to a transgender person in the entire book. For insisting he is on God’s side when in fact he cherry-picks things to make it seem that God is on his side, Dennis Hodges gets a Twit Award.

Representative Jeff Van Drew introduced a bill in Congress which he calls the “My Child, My Choice Act.” The bill would force schools to obtain permission from parents before talking about “gender identity, sexual orientation, or transgender studies.” The bill has little chance of passing the House, and would certainly get stalled in the Senate. For wasting the time of Congress, and for trying to make this a wedge issue to hide the lack of real ideas from his party, Representative Jeff Van Drew gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.

Five Senators want all television shows to have a warning label when they contain a LGBTQ character. They feel that having a gay or trans character is “sexually-related content,” though having straight characters is not. For reading sex into certain characters and not into others, these five Senators get a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

In the same week when a new study showed how persistent gender identity is, former President Donald Trump claimed, in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, that “I hear 60 percent of the cases, later in life, they say ‘Why did they do this to me?’ Sixty percent.” For making it up as he goes along, and for then saying that some ambiguous “they” told him this lie, Donald Trump gets yet another Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.

In responding to the many comments about the draft proposal striking down Roe v. Wade, Lauren Boebert tweeted, “Seems the Left suddenly can define “woman” again,” as many of the comments left off pregnant men. In case anyone missed her point, she tweeted, “Where’s the outrage from all the pregnant men??” (These comments come from The Advocate.) When criticized, she tweeted, “The left thinks misgendering someone is a more heinous crime than dismembering and murdering a baby.” For turning transgender people into a joke, and for showing so little grasp of any issue, Representative Lauren Boebert gets another Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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