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Trans Spirituality, Sukkot

| Oct 17, 2022
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As I write this column, Jews around the world are celebrating the Fall Festival of Sukkot, which literally means “booths.” In the evening liturgy we have the image of God spreading a Sukkah or covering of Peace over us as we lay down to sleep. In this Festival the Torah commands us to dwell in temporary structures to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt:

Lev 22:43 So that your future generations will know that I caused the Israelites to dwell in booths when I brought them out of the Land of Egypt, I am H’ Your God.

According to Jewish law, these are meant to be fragile, temporary structures. Ironically, if you were to walk into many of the modern Sukkot, you would find highly engineered structures with amazing decorations. The decorations follow the principle of Hiddur Mitzvah, or adding to the splendor of following a Torah Obligation.

But, I did not build a Sukkah this year, or for the last several years. Why? I’m disabled and elderly. I cannot do it any more. Many in our community cannot. So we rely on the community Sukkot at the synagogue, or the Sukkot of our friends and neighbors.

What of those who can’t even rely on friends and neighbors though? What of the trans Jew who is completely ostracized by their family and community? Or what of the unhoused person who lives in a tent every day? They can’t make it any different really for the Holy Days. And those who are suffering from mental illness, developmental issues or substance issues may not even be able to comprehend that it IS a festival currently. Then there are those in prison because of systemic racism and hatred.

Our society has thrown away so many people that our so-called leaders find inconvenient. This is true of the people on both sides of the aisle in CONgress, sadly. The biggest difference is that the GOP are White Supremacists who want to kill everyone but White Christians cis-het-binary men, while the Democrats just want to get rich.

If we could legitimately vote in an honest third party, I would be first in line. But what always happens with alternative parties, is that they dilute the votes from the lesser evil, and the worst people get elected. So we will go to the polls in November with our noses blocked to avoid the stink, and vote Blue. I live in a critical swing state, Nevada. If our Senator loses to her opponent, the Senate swings Red — that’s how bad things are right now, and I for one am terrified.

So, this holiday is difficult for me this year on many levels. The Torah tells us about this Holiday (Deut (16:15)) “You shall be ONLY happy.” I just don’t know how right now. . . .

Peace out,


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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Rabbah Rona Matlow (ze/hir) is an AMAB NB trans woman. Ze is a retired navy nuclear power officer, permanently disabled veteran and ordained rabbi. Ze is the author of the upcoming book “We are God’s Children Too”, part autobiography and part text which debunks the myths that conservative clergy have been teaching about trans and queer people for millennia. Ze is a communal activist, pastoral counselor and educator. Hir websites are and

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