Review: Divine Collection Hera Breast Forms
Recently I ordered the Hera breast forms from The Breast Form Store. While the online ordering process was a tad daunting I figured it out and found that they give you a variety of choices regarding things like nipple size and color, the color of the forms, and their size.
With the order page filled out I clicked the submit button and prepared to wait for their arrival. Unlike forms they can take off of the warehouse shelf and ship to you quickly the Hera forms are handmade by Canadian crafters so don’t expect to order them and have them in time for weekend wear.
My Hera forms arrived 22 days after I ordered them. As all items from The Breast Form Store are shipped they arrived in a brown cardboard box with no reference anywhere on the outside to the shipper other than the words “Shipping Department” in the sender’s address.
Next: Opening the box.
Inside the brown box was. . . another box. (Also faux flower petals to add a feminine touch.) In that box, adhering to a clear plastic chest, I found the Hera forms. Previous forms I have used were a plastic membrane filled with silicone get. After a few years of wear and tear they began to do just that, tear and let gel leak out. The Hera forms won’t ever leak because they are handcrafted molded silicone gel that is squishy and wiggles like the real thing. More bounce, too.
The surface of the forms, while not exactly feeling like skin, does feel more real than the old style forms. And the nipples (as mentioned above) can be customized to your taste. The forms are self-adhering and feel very comfortable on your chest. They won’t move around in a bra or pull away if you bend over.
What about going braless?
While the back of each form is sticky that alone won’t hold them to your body. Damn you gravity! What’s called for to go braless is adhesive, which you can obtain from The Breast Form Store. There are several kinds of adhesive available. The one I used was the Hollister Adapt spray-on type. The instructions say to apply a thin coat—less is more—to the back of each form. On my first try I got too much adhesive on them and even after laying down with the forms on my chest, as the instructions call for, they didn’t want to adhere. Laying down on your back for 10 minutes or so allows the adhesive to set and bond to your skin. (A Skin Tac wipe should be applied to your own breast area after you have removed any body hair and washed the area.) Since I had overdone it on the adhesive front I wore a bra with them the first time out.
The second time I tried them on I learned that the adhesive had set, or something good had happened. After wearing the forms for several hours when I took my bra off the forms stayed put on my chest, which gave me a bit of a thrill since they looked so real.
The forms are made with thin edges that become close to invisible when properly applied. Using the extra adhesive keeps the edges tight to your own flesh. They can look real under see-through clothes such as lingerie or semi transparent tops. Want to give everyone at the club a thrill when they spot your breasts under a sparkly see-through top? These are the forms that can do it for you.
As you can see from the photos the Vanilla color forms are darker than your model’s skin. If I had a tan or was a shade or two darker naturally the forms would blend in with my skin. The folks at The Breast Form Store have told me that using makeup with on the forms is okay so that may be a good option to achieve a better blending of silicone to flesh. Another idea would be to use darker makeup on the chest that better matches the forms.
Bottomline? The Hera Divine Collection forms make me feel sexy. The adhesion, whether in a bra or braless, makes them feel like a part of me. Be aware that you have to follow the instructions on care of the forms. Ignoring the rules will result in a less than desirable long term relationship with your forms.
The Hera Divine Collection breast forms are available exclusively from The Breast Form Store.
Category: crossdressing, Product Review