Trans News Now 7/11/22

| Jul 11, 2022
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Danica Roem has done something dangerous for a politician. She has written a memoir. Does it tell all? Recently she sat down for an interview with The LGBTQ&A.

In a video interview, Admiral Rachel Levine denounced the political attacks and “bullying” by politicians. Metro Weekly has this story.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Safer Streets for All Act into law. The new law removes a provision against “loitering in a public place” allegedly looking for sex work. That provision was often used to stop transgender women from being out in public. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

The new Suicide Prevention phone number, 988, goes into effect this week. The operators will have some training in dealing with LGBTQ callers. This story comes from The Advocate.

Shawmayne Giselle Marie McClam was shot to death in Gulfport, Mississippi. She is the eighteenth transgender person to be killed this year. Her sister, age 14, was also shot and is hospitalized, according to them.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that a transgender woman who is on the sex offender registry cannot change her name. The AP has this story.

Juniper McGinn, a transgender woman, is suing the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, because of an invasive body-cavity search and a group of deputies watching her shower. This story comes from The Advocate.

Brigham Young University has shut down its transgender speech program run by the language clinic. UPI has this story.

Toni Mua

Pride Source has a profile of Toni Mua, who is running for Michigan’s state House of Representatives. If elected, she would be the first openly transgender legislator in Michigan history.

The manager of an RV park in Florida is demanding that a transgender woman present as a male in order to “avoid problems.” The transgender woman has moved out, but not without talking to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which is taking action, as The Advocate reports.

A report by the Victory Institute finds that very few LGBTQ people are members of school boards. This makes some sense, as parents are motivated to join a body which determines what goes on in their child’s school. Samantha Riedel of them suggests that this may be why some school boards write policy that downplays LGBTQ rights.

The 19th has a story about how the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court has started having an effect on transgender men’s health care.

An article in Medscape says that trans teens are at substantial risk for bone density problems.

A new article in JAMA Surgery finds that, even today, most patients receiving gender confirmation surgery have to travel outside of their home state. While the number of surgeons is growing, there still are many patients who have to travel. the Advocate has this story.

Various sports authorities have made various rules about whether transgender athletes can participate. Sports Illustrated has compiled some of those rulings.

Ida Davies in Family Guy.

Family Guy has been criticized for how it handled Ida Davies, a war hero who has transitioned to become a woman. Seth MacFarlane says that the character came from a writer’s family experience. PinkNews has this story.

Some fans would like to see Elliot Page replace Ezra Miller as The Flash, according to

Bette Midler wrote a tweet which denounced gender-inclusive language. Several people voiced their disagreement with her on this topic. The Advocate has this story.

Lynda Carter said that transgender women were not to blame for attacks on women’s rights. This story appears in The Advocate.

Marta Kauffman, the creator of Friends, apologized for making one of Chandler’s parents a transgender woman who works as a drag queen. Some of the bits regarding the character do seem to not hold up well. The Advocate has this story.

A new poll from YouGov shows that most Brits say they would support a family member coming out as trans. This seems odd in a country where “gender-critical” thought is so common. This story comes from PinkNews.

Emma Corrin on the cover of Vogue.

Emma Corrin is the first out non-binary person to appear on the cover of the American edition of Vogue. Emma says, “There will always be some fluidity to my gender, according to them.

An employment tribunal in Britain found that Maya Forstater was indeed discriminated against when she lost her job due to her “gender-critical” views. The Guardian has this story.

In an interview, Attorney General Suella Braverman suggested that Parliament could block the Gender Recognition Act reforms under consideration by the Scottish Parliament. This story can be found in PinkNews.

A local branch of the Green Party in Britain announced that they would accept “gender-critical” beliefs as a “difference of opinion.” The national party responded by reaffirming its support for trans rights as human rights, but would not publicly commit to making the local branch change this policy. PinkNews has this story.

Haaretz has an article about how schools in Israel are handling transgender students.

We have seen much about the problems that Britain’s NHS is having in keeping up with demand for services to transgender patients. The same problem is found in India, according to an article originally from Deutsche Welle.

June is LGBTQ Pride month, and now, July is being billed as LGBTQ Wrath month. (I suppose that December is LGBTQ Greed month, though it also could be gluttony month.) An article in them suggests Godzilla as a symbol of our wrath.

An editorial in LGBTQ Nation says that, after the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court, it is time for the LGBTQ community to fight for freedom.

Mariah Lopez

Mariah Lopez has been suing for over 20 years, first trying to reform the way that New York City treats foster children. Lately, she sued the city to change the way it handles transgender people who are homeless. The New York Times has an article about this.

“Gender Envy” is related to gender dysphoria, but LGBTQ Nation says that they are not interchangeable.

Nina Green proudly posted to Twitter about her son, who at age 16 wore a red maxi-skirt and red sequin jacket to prom. has this story.

Gwendolyn Ann Smith talked to them about The Gazebo, an early Web space for transgender people, which was famous for its chat room.

A new poll by Pew Research Center finds that political identification is a determinant of attitudes about transgender people, even more so than religious belief or lack thereof. They even find that the majority of Republicans want parents of transgender children investigated for “child abuse.”

In spite of the growth of anti-transgender attitudes, more and more transgender people are feeling comfortable coming out, and at younger ages. The Conversation explains why this is.

Trans News Now is assembled by Cecilia Barzyk with additional content and editing by Angela Gardner. Care to make a comment on this post? Login here and use the comment area below.

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Category: Transgender Community News


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Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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