Time For A New Hobby?

| Feb 27, 2007
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Dina AmberleI’ve been crossdressing for a long time and you have too, in all likelihood. Maybe it’s time to find a new avenue for release—at least while we are in the comforts of home, apartment, or— judging by a lot of the photos I see—in a cheap motel room.

I heard a commentator say before the recent Daytona 500 that NASCAR could soon overtake baseball and football as the new American spectator sport. For those who might not be familiar with the nuances of NASCAR racing, here’s how it works: a large number of modified stock cars race around an oval track… and then repeat that for several hundred more times.

If that doesn’t appeal to your sense of adventure, you can sometimes catch a televised half-pipe skateboarding event. In this remarkable sport, a solo skateboardist begins at the top righthand of a deep trough and skateboards down and then up to the top lefthand of the trough, gripping his skateboard as he (or she, for the gender neutral) does a kind of twirling motion. Then, as gravity would have it, repeats the exercise to summit once again the righthand edge of the half-pipe. Sometimes, this exciting—somewhat masturbatory back and forth motion —goes on for several seconds before the triumphant participant is drowned in applause from onlookers.

For the more sedentary sports enthusiast, a brand new card game called “Poker” is available on three or four different channels at a time on most nights. The players often adopt strange attitudes—and dark glasses—as they play this exciting new card game. There are even celebrity “Poker” games televised now… and if celebrities are playing “Poker”, well, you know, it must be the coolest thing in the world.

I think my favorite televised activity is the Mount Hood climbing expedition rescue. In this sport, a stranded litter of climbers is brought off the mountain—dead or alive. It’s guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seats to see who survived, or sadly, who didn’t. I think someone should start a kind of “Mt. Hood Idol” show that would give prospective victims the chance to live or die at 5,000 and then 10,000 feet elevations, as we all watch—and cast votes—safely from home.

Somehow, dressing in stockings, heels, and falsies doesn’t seem so strange anymore, considering what other “sports” some people find interesting.

  • Yum

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Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

I started crossdressing and going out publicly in 1988. I joined the Renaissance group in the Philadelphia area that year and later became chapter leader for two years in the '90s. I always enjoyed writing and wrote for the Renaissance newsletter and magazine throughout my membership years. I've been writing for TGForum for several years now. I also contributed items to LadyLike magazine and other TG publications before the advent of the internet. My hobby-within-a-hobby is singing live as my alter-ego Dina Sinatra and I have had the opportunity to do that with several accommodating performers and in a number of venues over the years since the mid-1990s. In the Diner column items here, I try to relate crossdressing or transgender themes (and my own pet peeves and fetishes) to the larger world -- and vice versa.

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