Summer has Arrived
Here in these northern climes the God of summer has finally blessed us. We had a 90 degree temperature the other day, so we have to start dressing accordingly. I know many of you live a long way south of here, but the transition is just the same. If you have already made your clothing changes, I hope I can add something useful.
Materials are probably the most important factor when choosing summer clothing. Cotton, rayon and linen are better for you as they are cooler than man-made fabrics. A little more expensive maybe, but worth it
Remember, horses sweat, men perspire and women gently glow. So whenever we are dressed in the warmer weather, we only want to gently glow. Even though you are going to work, out shopping or relaxing on your patio, you don’t want to feel uncomfortable, or feel that you have to wear heavy winter weight clothing to meet your dressing commitments.
White pants are very popular in the summer. If you buy a pair make sure the pockets don’t show through when they are on. This can occur with lower quality items. Also, when wearing pants, tighter skirts, leggings, or even longer shorts, wear a top which comes at least half way down your thighs. I have mentioned this before, and I don’t want to explain it, I am sure the reason is obvious to most of us.
Multi colored long loose dresses are an ideal summer outfit, coupled with attractive sandals. Summer-ie handbags or patterned tote bags go with most outfits. When we are away we haul a tote bag everywhere. Hosiery is not allowed.
When on vacation, swimming can present problems of its own. If one has natural hair one can easily go in in the water and submerge yourself. If you wear a wig it is different story, and a problem I haven’t been able to solve for myself. If one ventures into the pool wearing a wig, the best thing one can probably do, so it doesn’t float off your head, is walk to the pool bar and sit on a partially submerged stool and enjoy your drink of choice and the ensuing conversation. As a matter of interest, I believe The Breast Form Store sells light breast forms that withstand the damage caused by chlorination of a swimming pool.
Good one piece bathing suits are probably better for us girls.They are easily obtainable. At this time of the year fashion magazines, like Venus for example, feature them. If you can get away with a bikini, good luck. Colorful wraps worn around the pool are very popular. They maintain a modicum of modesty and dry you off as well as protecting one from the sun. I am not sure that black sheer wraps are of any value. If anything, they really belong in the bedroom. Don’t forget your SPF 50 sun block.
After an afternoon on the beach or at the pool, trusting you haven’t put away too may Pina Coladas at the pool bar it’s time to get ready for dinner. Shower, shave and dress. When it comes to shaving, I prefer to shave with an electric razor in the morning and then do a ‘steam shave’ in the afternoon (soap and water) I’m a retired marine engineer, and if it ain’t driven by steam, it ain’t no good. A nice long colorful dress works wonders, along with a pair of blingie sandals, you will look like a million bucks. If you have your own hair and you can make a minor adjustment to your hair style it also helps a great deal; don’t forget a nice hand held purse.
Next, a loose top which extends to your neck and has long sleeves, with tight cuffs. Apparently, mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so white or pale colors are recommended for your top or any exposed item of clothing for that matter. Wear a hat with a broad brim. Don’t forget sunblock, on your exposed skin.
When we go to the pool after breakfast, which is the normal routine for the day. We try to get a chaise with plenty of shade and set ourselves up with a table and towels. If I intend to go in the water in the morning, which does happen occasionally, I would wear a one piece bathing suit, or a two piece which gives the same amount of coverage. Lay on the chaise and read, talk to my neighbors and possibly walk to the pool bar as previously described. There is usually poolside service as well. If I decide not to go in the pool I just lay and read or fill my time in some other fashion. I sometimes wear male shorts and a tee shirt, then I might go in for a swim as my shorts would probably be swimming trunks
Always! always, have a broad brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunblock.
Enjoy yourself.
Category: Transgender Fashion, Transgender Opinion