breast forrms

Sexual Arousal and TSTG

| Nov 11, 2013
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Do we engage in TSTG behavior because we get sexually excited by crossdressing and cross-gender presentation? What do we know about sexual arousal anyway? If we only do it for the thrill of sexual arousal why does TSTG continue when the initial thrill fades? What happens after TS transition is complete?

The most important thing about the science of sexual arousal is that it is learned, mostly in teenage years and young adulthood. Sexual arousal follows the laws of Classical Conditioning, sometimes known as Pavlovian conditioning. When we were teenagers and full of sex hormones that changed and sensitized our genitalia and breasts almost any sensory stimulus would trigger sexual arousal but especially from the opposite assigned gender behavior category. Gradually this arousal became paired with stimuli associated with those with whom we were attracted and those with whom we engaged in sexual behavior. Learning of arousal responses continues with masturbation and night dreams. The pairing established linkages such that those stimuli produced sexual arousal by themselves alone, particularly if the stimuli were strong and novel. For heterosexual males, the experience of feminine stimuli, like feminine clothing, makeup and behavior became erotic. For heterosexual females, the experience of masculine stimuli, like bulging muscles, masculine smells and masculine behavior become arousing. For homosexuals and lesbians the conditioning to same-sex stimuli can also be learned at this age.

Many TSTG experienced this conditioning. So it is no surprise that when they crossdress, they initially get sexually aroused because of the close contact with the clothing and trappings of their preferred gender category. We previously received conditioning to this clothing and presentation. No doubt that sexual arousal can be initially motivating for TSTG behavior but the linkages creating sexual arousal also have to obey the other laws of Classical Conditioning.

The principles of Classical Conditioning also tell us that these stimulus-response linkages can also fade or extinguish. With repeated exposure, the stimuli no longer evoke sexual arousal. We sometimes see TSTG explore dress in all sorts of outlandish outfits that might evoke sexual arousal.



TSTG crossdressing behavior is ideal for extinction of sexual arousal learning because exposure to multiple stimuli occurs at the same time. In fact, in order to reduce previously learned fears or phobias, therapists sometimes use “flooding desensitization” in which they expose the patient to multiple stimuli all at once, while the patient practices relaxation techniques. This technique is also used sometimes to treat post-traumatic stress by allowing patients to experience combat experiences in virtual reality while practicing relaxation. The soldier patient may experience the sights, sounds and even smells of downtown Bagdad all at once while in a relaxed state.

Sexual arousal by TSTG to crossdressing may not extinguish completely but there must be other motivations for continuing TSTG behavior. This is especially true because of the cultural rejection of TSTG and/or the stress of keeping TSTG secret. This argument was made by Virginia Prince in her studies of TG. Yes, Virginia did a little science with several prominent psychologists.

So what about TS who complete transition concluding with genital plastic surgery (sometimes called sexual reassignment surgery)? What happens to their sexual behavior and presumed sexual arousal? At least for MtF, approximately 50% are attracted to males; while 30% are attracted to females and the rest are asexual. Some of those attracted to males were already attracted to males pre-op while others changed their sexual behavior. There are a few studies that measure post-op sexual arousal from changes in penis and vaginal arousal but such measurements are not very reliable. Better answers will be obtained using function magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the future since it is established that there are differences between male and female in brain response to presentation of usually arousing stimuli.

The bottom line on sexual arousal is that early on in our TSTG careers, sexual arousal is present and no doubt motivating. But as we get more experience the thrill of sexual arousal fades and we continue TSTG behavior because we prefer a gender behavior category that is more congruent with our biological predisposition.

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul


About the Author ()

Dana Jennett Bevan holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University and a Bachelors degree from Dartmouth College both in experimental psychology. She is the author of The Transsexual Scientist which combines biology with autobiography as she came to learn about transgenderism throughout her life. Her second book The Psychobiology of Transsexualism and Transgenderism is a comprehensive analysis of TSTG research and was published in 2014 by Praeger under the pen name Thomas E. Bevan. Her third book Being Transgender was released by Praeger in November 2016. She can be reached at [email protected].

Comments (9)

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  1. rich manfre says:

    when i crossdress i do not get a sexual high . i get a feeling of peace and i feel really relaxed.
    i enjoy the fem side of wearing womens attire

  2. says:

    For danabevan
    Hi, I share your observations. There is nothing like the ‘high’ and it’s almost tax free, non invasive as far as the health is concerned and just so much simple fun to boot.

    Hi Sugar, I imagine most people in the c.d. world are as bewildered as you by our desire to don things femme. No idea where the urge comes from just recall a very young Helen trying on older sisters clothing. Never wanted to try on my dads or brothers stuff, straight to sister and when, a bit bigger, my mum. But it should be said that not all want to go for srs. I do believe that the stats show a smaller minority of c.d. wish to go the whole surgical route or even live full time. (Yep, I know, Lies, dam lies and statistics). I have no idea as to the numbers of people who just enjoy the serenity of being, for a time, in feminine mode.

  3. Sugar Sugar says:

    Dopamine is responsible for that ‘floating on air’ feeling. Dopamine is addictive and in constant need of progression to keep the same ‘high’ or fatigue sets in. If you don’t progress, eventually you’ll feel comfort more than excitement. Eventually you’ll give up your ‘hobby’ or shift it to another dimension.

    That’s the science.

    This doesn’t explain why this starts in the first place. My guess – there is no reason other than random luck. (Or bad luck as I would tell my H, lol)

    What I don’t understand is why any man who initially dressed for sexual interest would then let themselves get taken down a path where they’re changing gender and losing their former lives. Why would any sane person do this? Or am I viewing this from a female perspective where such a thing seems unthinkable. I truly can’t imagine a sex act becoming a lifestyle. I get the science but I don’t get the men who allow this science to dictate who they become.

    Of course, I’m only talking of the sexual CD (of which I personally believe make up the majority). I’m not talking about those born in the wrong gender.

    Anyway, just another WTF thought from a CD wife 🙂

  4. danabevan danabevan says:

    For Helen,

    I have had the same experiences. For me, one night of cross dressing gave me those “floating on air” feelings for about 2 weeks. I had to dress within six weeks of the last time or I thought I would go mad. I now dress in very informal feminine clothing, mostly exercise gear. I still get the feeling of serenity when I dress up in something particularly nice. I have long since stopped getting aroused when dressed.

  5. says:

    I always found that the arousal stage for me varied. Occasionally as I planned my day or night I got so excited that dressing in a tight skirt or dress was impossible. The idea of what I was going to do was stronger than the actuality.
    At other times that settled rather quickly and I found a level of serenity had enveloped me. I have never felt such a ‘high’ as I did after those times. If my time en femme was longer, spending days or a week the ‘high’ was also longer. It was so hard to ‘come down’. I wanted to repeat it as often as I could and at times took greater risks in getting out and about, the desire, the need was greater. But the sexual desire was absent.

  6. danabevan danabevan says:

    For Carmennoel,

    Most crossdressers do not report being aroused during cross dressing but rather they report, as you did that it gives them comfort and relaxation. I have described cross dressing as “floating on air” and feeling really great. It is because you are temporarily in a gender role which fits you better.

  7. danabevan danabevan says:

    For Tasi,
    Its really just a matter of crossdressing time. If you only dress once a month, it will take the sexual arousal longer to extinguish. There is also the possibility of reconditioning. Those that go full time, extinguish fairly quickly. Some actually start to learn sexual arousal for stimuli associated with the opposite natal sex. I was looking at a paper today which showed that MTF going full-time become more attracted to other males from 9% to 34%.

  8. carmennoel carmennoel says:

    Dr. Began,

    Thank you for your article, I found it very interesting! Early in my cross dressing life I had an experience that shaped me is great deal. I had been wearing ladies under garments and wanted to do more but did not know how that opportunity could ever happen. Halloween was coming up and I was asked by a gal friend if I would be the designated driver for a group of her & her friends who were going out. I agreed and she started talking about what costume I should wear & pretty soon she was encouraging me to dress up with them. All of the girls were going to be sexy witches. My heart kept when she brought it up but I had to be cool so it seemed to her like she talked me into it. So gradually she helped me put an outfit together. Cross dressing had always been more about the euphoria & sensual rush I got when being able to enjoy the feeling of wearing satiny underwear. But I don’t remember being turned on or master bating because I was dressed. Getting ready with my friend that evening was a rush seeing myself evolve into that girl I always felt I could be. Still I was not turned on by the dressing. During the evening my friend & I went to the ladies Rommel. We were great friends & I blame this more on the alcohol she had and it causing her to be the aggressor. We ended up fooling around. I came away from the experience feeling sexier as a gal & loving to take a more feminine role in intimate situations from that point on. I have never been attracted to guys as they have been tormentors of me due to my femininity. So I have only been with females but my intimate experiences are far more heightened when I can play a feminine role. It adds a level of comfort & confidence due to feeling sexier when I can be Carmen in the bedroom! Thanks!

    Carmen Noel

  9. tasidevil tasidevil says:

    Dr Bevan,
    My experience in looking at the behavior of crossdressers is that there is a very high sexual arousal component in crossdressing, actually much larger than expected from my own personal experience. Men are known to be more visual and to dress sexily is to feel sexy whether the image meets reality or not. I provide fashion advice to TG women and more often than not their interests scream men and not women in their behavior. From comments made by full time gals, the dressing no longer is that big a thrill, but for the part-time dresser which is likely the other 90% of the CD population, it’s still tight skirts, 6 in heels and nipple bras. Lingerie still leads the pack in clothing interests for CDs and not the well-put together outfit with a feminine figure and the right accessories…just doesn’t interest them. Your comments?

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