Princessas de la Noche: Diary of a Crossdresser II

| Aug 5, 2019
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For me, a great moment happened when I was growing up. It was when I discovered that there were great legends of our community who revealed we live in an unfair society and how little by little they showed us that there was a light at the end of the tunnel and that our extraordinary creativity is a tool to fight prejudice from a society that rejects us because of ignorance.

And this was my first premise from the first moment I sat at the table surrounded by representatives of several social sectors during meeting set up by the Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports. were there to work toward an egalitarian society. During that meeting a term was born that will characterize not only my work as a district counselor, but that of my fellow counselors of the social sectors at that table of the Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports. A term called INTERCULTURALITY, which will allow several people in my community, especially the most vulnerable, to become known as great artists and to mingle with society in general.

I am a Crossdresser with a constant duality in my life, one of them displayed in a heterosexual environment, with a costume called art, a costume that aims to make society understand that we are all human, diverse human.

The champion said: Impossible is just a word created by little men for whom it was easier to live in a world that was given to explore, denying the power they had been given to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is potential, it is temporary, it is nothing.

There will be people on the road who will try to despise our success or suddenly take credit for our achievements. But if we focus on work and do not let these people confuse us, someday we will reach our destination, we will look around and know that it was we and the people who love us who put us on top, and that will be the best feeling of the world.

We must convince ourselves to be the person we really are and not think that our fear of not being accepted limits us; it takes a lot of courage and strength to be genuine in a world that is constantly trying to make you a copy of someone else. They tell us that in order to be successful, we must stop being who we are, and become a cheap replica of the woman stereotype and imposing man stereotype.

We have been influenced, forced and manipulated to follow the rules written by the society of “How to be successful being someone else,” but ourselves. They brainwash us and we are programmed to follow strange rules to our culture, in our original way of thinking. They have given us the keys to be successful, but successful in what? Successful being someone we are not? Can we really be successful by not being ourselves?

I am a Crossdresser artist who explores this facet in several creative and inclusive fields. Showing them that we are something else and that we are worthy of admiration.

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En Español:

Princesas de la Noche – Diario de una Crossdresser II

Para mí, un gran momento fue cuando estaba creciendo, fue cuando descubrí que habían grandes leyendas de nuestra comunidad revelandose ante una sociedad injusta y el como poco a poco nos mostraron que habia una luz al final del tunel y que nuestra extraordinaria creatividad es una herramienta mas para romper imaginarios ante unasociedad que nos rechaza por ignorancia.

Y esta fue mi primera premisa desde el primer momento que me sente en la mesa de sectores sociales de la secretaria de cultura, una sociedad igualitaria. Fue hay cuando nacio un termino que va a caracterizar no solamente mi trabajo como consejero distrital, sino el de mis compañeros consejeros de la mesa de sectores sociales de la secretaria de cultura y deporte. Un termino llamado INTERCULTURALIDAD, y el cual va a permitir a varias personas de mi comunidad, en especial las mas vulnerables, darse a conocer como grandes artistas y  mesclarse con la sociedad en general.

Soy una  Crossdresser con una dualidad constante en mi vida, una de ellas dsifrazada en un entorno heterosexual.Un disfraz llamado arte, un disfraz que pretende hacer entender a la sociedad que todos somos humanos, humanos diversos.

El campeón dijo: Imposible es solo una palabra creada por hombres pequeños para los que era más fácil vivir en un mundo que se les dio para explorar, negando el poder que se les habían dado para cambiarlo. Imposible no es un hecho, es una opinión. Imposible es potencial, es temporal, es nada.

Si habrá gente en el camino que tratará de despreciar nuestro éxito o de pronto llevarse el crédito por nuestros logros. Pero si nos centramos en el trabajo y no dejamos que esa gente nos confunda, algún día llegaremos a nuestro destino, miraremos a nuestro alrededor y sabremos que fuimos nosotros y la gente que nos quiere los que nos pusieron arriba, y ese será el mejor sentimiento del mundo.

Debemos convencernos a nosotros mismos de ser la persona que realmente   somos y no pensar que nuestro miedo de no ser aceptados nos limita; se requiere de mucho coraje y fuerza para ser genuinos en un mundo que constantemente está intentado convertirnos en una copia de alguien más, con el fin de ser exitosos, debemos dejar de ser quienes somos, para así convertirnos en una réplica barata del estereotipo de mujer y hombre imponente. 
Hemos sido influenciados, forzados y manipulados a seguir las reglas escritas por la sociedad de “Como ser exitosos siendo alguien más”, excepto nosotros mismos, nos lavan el cerebro y estamos siendo programados para seguir reglas extrañas a nuestra cultura, a nuestro modo original de pensar. 
Nos han otorgado las claves para ser exitosos, pero ¿exitosos en qué?   ¿Exitosos siendo alguien que no somos? ¿Podemos realmente ser exitosos no siendo nosotros mismos? 

Soy una artista Crossdresser que explora esta faceta en varios campos creativos e incluyentes. Mostrando que somos algo más y que somos dignos de admirar.

Katherine Diaz

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul


About the Author ()

Hi, I am Katherine. I have been Crossdresser for some time. I think crossdressing is a form of artistic expression, much more than just wearing women's clothes. It is the expression, exploration your feminine side in various fields as well as personal, social or labor. This led me to be part of several performance groups and participate in some events in my country. Visit my website!

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