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| Jul 11, 2011
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Angela Gardner

It’s another Monday and as we do every Monday, rain or shine, holiday or normal day, we bring you new content on TGForum. We start with our weekly distillation of all the TG news from all over the world, a little thing we call The Week In Transgenderism. In this TWIT we bring you stories about ladyboy pickpockets who preyed on an Iranian tourist, a new film about Renee Richards, the TG actress who will be featured in HBO’s Hung this season, the drag queen movie shooting in Orlando, the TG protections signed into law and a bunch or other stuff. For all the TG news don’t miss your TWIT!

That estimable, two dimensional crossdresser who mirrors so well the foibles of our fully dimensional lives, Miss Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD, makes an appearance today. Kyra Kelly, the creator of Lexy has our heroine in another situation you may have faced at one time or another. Or maybe you have met someone like the person Lexy deals with. In either case you’re sure to get a chuckle out of today’s edition of Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD.

Dina Amberle joins us today with her Dina’s Diner column. There’s never a dull moment at the diner. If it’s not delicious dish direct from Dina it’s a small grease fire that she quickly extinguishes. Today she talks about the latest fashion trends, a story about large breasts that she missed last year (what? Dina miss a story about breasts?) and a whole lot more, all delivered in that Dina style you love. Order up the blue plate special and tuck in to Dina’s Diner.

That’s our offering for today. Remember, if you belong to an organization that is having any events coming up be sure to take advantage of the Event Calendar. Go to our Add An Event page and submit your events. And if you have TG friendly businesses in your area let us know so we can include them in our Resource Database.

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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