Need an F on your birth certificate?
Instead of an M? Or maybe you need that M, and want to lose the F.
In New York City, they’re planning on a swap meet for transsexuals. Twice a year, everyone with a F who wants an M, will get together with everyone who has an M but wants an F. They’ll then trade.
Not really. (The Daily News has removed the story.)
Category: All TGForum Posts
Right now I’m working in a completely male enviornment except for the office personel as a car sales person, and I can tell all of you that switching genders is not a panacea. that’s life you just change one set of problems for another. Yes of course its allways best to be the person you’re most cmfortable being, but beyond that life is what it is. Not exactly sage observations, just one tsgirls thought for the moment.
Oh yah i am still dressing up as female and always will my relatives hates me for that but i don’t really, really, really care one bit.
I am man just want to be a woman wear all women’s clothing at age of 10 years old i want to be girl really bad i even dressed up as a girl can anyone blame me this was 1960 iwish that i was a girl and i still wish that today, isure want an f on my birth certificate instea an m totally
I am man just want to be a woman wear all women’s clothing at age of 10 years old i want to be girl really bad i even dressed up as a girl can anyone blame me this was 1960 iwish that i was a girl and i still wish that today.
I have a female passport but a male birth certificate. I have a female health card so I just leave the birth certificate at home. But I am also post op M t F
Now if the State of Ohio could just join the 21st century with the rest of us…
I like the idea of a T F to M ot M to F swap meet The could trade the Fs and the Ms on ceritificates and maybe even figure a way to trade body parts. It would make transiton for those who want a heck of alot easier. Whadda ya think Ther emost be some way to make it work…Sallee
As a Tina’s Groove comic strip once put it – “You know what I envy about you Tina? You can be yourself. I can never be myself, there are too many laws that prevent me from being myself.” 🙂
Wow, a whole City Health Code change. I am excited that there are enough of us out there asking for this, that it hits the “radar” screen of government. Though in a big City like New York I would have expected this bit of government red tape to have been cleared up a few years back. I recall reading some advice column on transitioning which recommended relocating to a larger urban city where prejudices against transitioning folks might not be as pervasive and governmental agencies and employers HR departments were used to the accomodations needed. I guess its never that simple.