Another cool find on the Internet

| Oct 2, 2006
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So, by now, everyone and their drag mother knows about YouTube. Just about anyone can make their own video and upload it, or make a copy of someone else’s work and spread it around.

(I have found some cool TG stuff on YouTube, including some things I thought were gone forever.)

But lo and behold, the Internet has turned up another great opportunity. features underground, undiscovered and unknown artists, and gives them an opportunity to connect with fans. 

Now, when you go, search the band name “Chameleon Red“. That’s the band of Wendy Harrell of Tennessee. She’s got a TG rock opera free for the listening and downloading. Most of the songs are pretty short, and they’re a little more folky than rocky, but they’re good. And keep in mind, Wendy says they’re a work in progress. She says the finished product will come out sounding even better.

  • Yum

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About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

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