Letter to the Editor

| Aug 26, 2024
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(Punctuation and spacing tidied up.)

Dear  Angela,

I’m Miss Donna Watson. I’m located in Springfield, Missouri, Zip code 65803.’    

I’m 46 years old and I’m Single  and live alone  by myself in my house here in Springfield, Missouri ‘  

I’m a  transgender she Male woman.

I’m writing to  let you know that I won’t be voting for Kamala Harris. She isn’t qualified to be  president of the United States of America. It’s her administration that has us in the bad shape we are in now. With high prices and high crime. Democrats only want our vote, they  could care less about the LGBTQ community!!! Or blacks or Hispanics. I live in a Republican state  and  transgenders here in Springfield, Missouri can go out in public wearing  short mini shirts (sic) and  provocative clothing and no one  complains. On the news a couple of nights ago Missouri legislators are making it legal  for Missouri drivers license for transgenders to have Female as their sex put on their driver’s license. And their has been some same sex marriages allowed in Missouri. And now they are  trying to get companies and insurance companies to allow their  employees that is married to a Trans male to be allowed to be put on their spouse’s company insurance!!! This  is  one of the reasons I’m voting Republican.   


Miss Donna Watson

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