Do you have any idea what some of you have done to your wives? Do you think the lies, deceit and betrayal were not enough agony for most of us? Why is it when it ends up in divorce — the wife does not receive additional dollars in compensation for her pain and suffering? Do you acknowledge that your — SURPRISE — life long condition (still considered a perversion) has the ability to physically, emotionally and mentally seriously hurt your wife and or mother of your children? Have you no shame?
Many crossdresser’s wives on my worldwide website:, express their rage when they live in a no fault divorce state. (NO FAULT — are you serious?) Yes it is your fault IF you did not disclose the truth about the condition you’ve had since you were a child. Stand up. Be a man — even if you are wearing a tutu — take responsibility for your actions — which were despicable. To enter into a scared place of marriage and not disclose the truth to the one person in the world you are suppose to put before anyone — and that includes your ‘other self’ and your frigging lingerie.
How much time, energy and money did you put into your secret life? I know of one CD who wiped out his and his wife’s retirement fund for his crossdressing purchases. Clothes, make up, treatments etc. all cost money. You do not seem to have problems spending money on being “Suzie” for a day — to many “money is no object.” They hide that from their wives too. Then when she gets smart, understands what has happened and decided to get out — she finds herself in a state of shock — divorcing her crossdressing husband and finding out in NO FAULT states the judges do not care what happened — just about the money.
Where is the money to pay for your ex wife’s health care? Many are appropriately diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many therapists will say it takes usually 2 years to get over PTSD. Therapists charge $100-$350 (or more) an hour. Do the math for two years, once a week visits. And SHE has to PAY for your SINS (meaning all of your lies). Does that really sound equitable to you? Really?
A soon to be (EX CDW) gave me permission to share this: “My old fiancé (who passed away years ago) had a law partner who has been a US Family Court Support Magistrate in [location removed] for years. He said that if it was him hearing the case, if told that I had to get an AIDS test upon the recommendation of two doctors that he would award me more because even if technically this is not a fault divorce that he and other judges have the authority without explanation to plump up the amount.” — Anonymous
Here is another theory. If you are truly sorry for destroying your marriage and hurting your wife, then what is stopping you from making sure her current needs (mainly due to your ongoing lies) are being met? Do any of you feel any responsibility for what you did? Do you have a conscience? If so, put your money where your mouth is. Maybe providing necessary therapy to your wife should be more important than a new, sleazy outfit that makes you feel good.
Some crossdressers want to call this ‘blackmail.’ Disclosing our true lives in a courtroom is not blackmail. It is just telling the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth. It is our reality that you have caused. At least have the decency to try to compensate your ex wife for the damage you did to her. You actions have caused her to live a life of stress.
You have the chance to do the right thing — or maybe some crossdresser’s wife is going to civilly sue her ex husband crossdresser for misrepresenting himself for not disclosing the truth. Personally, since few of you do take responsibility, I do foresee this ending up in civil courts and the judges will have to decide. And yes, I see it going in favor of the crossdresser’s wife! Maybe the choice will be taken from you and just forced upon you. It is your choice now. I believe the clock is ticking.
Category: Transgender Opinion