breast forrms

Any comment?

| Aug 16, 2007
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It’s hard to tell sometimes TGF is working correctly so we depend on you to let us know when the gremlins have disconnected something. Regina let us know that she got a page of technical gobbledegook when she tried to posta comment on one of Ronnie’s posts and I alerted our tech lady Alaina so now it’s fixed again. If you attempt to do anything of TGF and it doesn’t work properly follow Regina’s example and let me know—or go right to Alaina with it. At the bottom of every page there is a link called “Contact Us.” If you click on it you will get the staff email list and can pick the person you want to complain to. Thanks!

  • Yum

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

Comments (7)

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  1. says:

    Anyone that has worked with computers knows that they just do not always work properly! Also the computers seem to be working just fine at the main system. I would like to thank Both Angela and Alaina for their Quick response in fixing the problem! As Angela states Let them Know about Problems! Send as much information as possible so it helps them Fix the problem. If They do not know it is not working they can not fix it! Regina

  2. angela_g angela_g says:

    Thanks for all the comments on the fubar commenting feature. As you can see we’ve got it working again and now we can get back to the two way communication that makes a web based magazine so 21st century. And Jerigal, you were supposed to comment on the commenting feature not post a personal ad. Bad girl! Bad! We’ve got a section called Personals where you post that kind of thing. It’s under the Meet link in the header. And Jill, I’ll let Alaina know that the Forum is foundering. But remember, if something doesn’t work the way it should go to the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page and let us know. If we don’t know it’s broke we can’t fix it. Thanks!

  3. says:

    P.S. I though the problem might be on my end.

    P.S.S. After my most recent comment, I recieved this:

    “Error 403
    We’re sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /wordpress/?p=615#comment-87722 on this server.

    You do not have permission to access this server.

    Your technical support key is: 04f1-0685-dfd9-b1ad

    You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.

    If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact webmaster at and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.”

    BUT, my comment worked.

  4. says:

    I have commented more then once lately. It shows the “number” of comments, but the comments are not displayed. Thus my “Comment” entry at the BBS.

  5. says:

    [email protected]

  6. besweet besweet says:

    When I tried to respond a few days ago I got “WP-Hashcash Check Failed . . . . Your client has failed to compute the special javascript code required to comment on this blog. . . and so on.” Is that something I’ve done wrong or a setting I need to correct? My first thought is always, “What have I done to screw this up?”

    For me, I depend on TGF for news, encouragement, entertainment, tips and pointers. So don’t let us down!! You all are doing just great!!!!!


  7. says:

    I have been attempting to enter a topic/comment on the forum bulletin board for several days and cannot get entry.

    It seems that Forum has lost inertia and is stagnant…near its death.

    Too, bad. It serves a purpose if only we would use it and share our feelings and thoughts.
    Jill Johns

breast forrms