Your TGForum Monday Edition, Miss.

| Oct 25, 2010
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Good morning gentle readers. This week News Editor Ronnie Rho has taken some time off so it has been I who have cruised the deep waters of the Internet, poked into the shallows and skimmed along the shore’s of that sea of information to find and condense all of the stories into The Week In Transgenderism. I can see why Ronnie needed some time off. Oy! What a job. So please, if you read nothing else, don’t miss your TWIT!

Next on our content listing for today is Perpetual Change by Pamela DeGroff. This week Pamela interviews former TGF contributor Christine Beatty. Christine is a musician, composer, activist, writer and who knows what else. She talks to Pamela in Part 1 of the interview about her coming out in the ’80s, her band Glamazon, drinking, prostitution and more. Learn all the details revealed in Part 1 of the Christine Beatty Interview in Perpetual Change.

Ronnie Rho did file one piece with us before she took off. Maybe it’s why she took off. It’s a little essay called I hate transsexuals… Uh oh! Put down those heavy objects ladies. No need to load that pistol. Give Ronnie’s Op Ed a read and see if maybe you — you CDs that is — can relate. And don’t worry Ronnie, we’ll keep your desk just the way you left it. You’ll be able to return, some day. Seriously, for a bit of thoughtful exploration of the relationship between TSs and CDs, read the Op Ed with the unfortunate title, I hate transsexuals…

This week brings us Part 2 of the story of Russian crossdressing prince, Felix Yussapov in Michelle Moore’s TG History — Murder Most Foul. Felix and his royal pals decided that it would be a really good idea, for the sake of mother Russia, to murder the Tsar’s advisor Rasputin. How did that project work out for a lad whose greatest joy was to dress up like a lady and go to the opera? Did Felix have the cahones necessary to commit cold blooded murder for the sake of his country? Read TG History and find out.

That’s TGForum’s Monday Edition for October 25, 2010. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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