Where Are The Opinionated?
I check in with TGF pretty much every day since it’s my job to edit this thing and keep you, the readers, happy. At the moment I can only conclude that you’re all very happy with what we’ve been doing and you agree completely with everything we publish. I get that feeling because no one has been leaving any comments on the posts. Oh sure, Ronnie Rho has put in her two cents but that’s only to be expected. (Not quite laughing out loud but chortling slightly as I type.)
Seriously, I know that lots of you must have some opinion, critique, or kudo (what is a kudo? Some kind of Australian animal?) to post in response to our content. I’m just not seein’ ’em.
Maybe it’s just that it hasn’t been easy to make a comment? I wanted to add a comment to something a couple of weeks ago. I clicked in the Comment box, typed my witty observation, clicked the Submit Comment button and was told I had to register to make a comment. I looked my computer right in the screen and said, If the gosh darned editor can’t make a comment with out going through some kind of “registering” rigamarole what has this comment system being doing to our readers?
After asking questions to those who might have more in the way of an answer than my computer screen did (it just sat there radiating at me) I found that a TGF member who already had to log in to read TGF had to take the further step of registering to make a comment. As they say about all computer programming, garbage in, garbage out, and having to register to make a comment sounded like a lot of garbage to me. So, I waved my magic wand (actually I emailed our stalwart IT lady Alaina and asked her to change that) and lo, the extra registering process has been banned from our queendom. Henceforth ye shall click the Submit Comment buttonto add your two cents and you will comment quickly with no additional trials and tribulations.
If you’d like to let me know how you feel about this article, go ahead… make a comment.
Category: All TGForum Posts, TG Forum News