What’s on the BoobTube?
I resisted signing up at YouTube, and even going there in the first place, for a really long time. But it was inevitable. I find myself wasting long hours looking at dribble, and looking for better dribble.
There are countless music videos from the 80’s, and those are fun to watch. There’s some interesting stuff, like make-up tips, and there’s some artsy stuff too. But, by and large, it’s a lot of time-wasters.
In the transgender realm, there are two kinds of time wasters: the vanity project, and the whiner video. The vanity projects are photo montages set to sappy music, which are little more than masturbatory fodder for most who view them. The whiner videos are 6-7 minute “poor me” clips, featuring some down-on-her-luck tranny complaining about how tough life is. Wah.
But, a couple of weeks ago, I came across this clip from Ashley:
And so, I jumped in: And because I can’t do anything right, I had to add another: (And there seems to be something wrong with the embed code so, here’s the direct link.)And that takes us right back into vanity video territory. Sorry I wasted your time.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Fun & Entertainment