What’s Going On At TGForum?
You may have noticed a few glitches over the last week at TGForum. We moved the entire site, plus all the member websites, to a new server and there were some, shall we say, “issues” along the way. Some permissions were not copied over correctly and some members’ websites did not display their pages properly.
Our Tech Admin, Alaina Hardie, has been working overtime this last week correcting these problems as we discovered them. I believe that we now have most of them under control and that both TGForum and your member website is working correctly. If not, please send me a report at the Support Email address on the Help Page. We’ll try to get it fixed quickly.
We are also planning a major overhaul of our email system in the next two weeks. We are going to an email service that has industrial-strength spam filtering and will be able to block out the mail-bombs we periodically receive. My expectation is that you will find your TGForum mail to be much more reliable than it has been in the past two years. There are bound to be some glitches with the mail transfer, so please bear with us as we get the new system setup and running.
With a successful transition of both TGF and the mail, we will begin to tackle to redesign I’ve been promising you for the last year. Some of the changes will be just cosmetic but some of the changes will be fundamental, like a free open chatroom.
From myself and Astra, we wish you all a happy holiday season, however you choose to celebrate it. We’re looking forward to the New Year. May it bring peace and prosperity for us all.
JoAnn Roberts/Publisher
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Body & Soul