Twit Awards for the Week 6/13/22
A lot of social conservatives were up in arms about children attending drag shows. (The debut of Generation Drag on Discovery+ was one reason for the interest, and an all-ages show in West Palm Beach whose announcement went viral was another.) Legislators in Florida want to make it illegal to take a child to a drag show, according to them. Governor Ron DeSantis wants to have Child Protective Services investigate parents who take their children to a drag show, according to LGBTQ Nation. A Texas state legislator wants to make it illegal to take a child to a drag show in his state, according to them. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to introduce federal legislation to prevent children attending drag shows, as them reports. This situation has even led to treats of violence, which caused one town in North Carolina to cancel Drag Queen Story Hour. (The Advocate has this story.) Children know that drag queens are actors playing a character. The allegations of “sexualization” show more about the people making the allegation than about the drag queens. For failing to see the difference between acting and real life, and for defaulting to using the large, intrusive government to solve a problem that does not exist, everyone behind this anti-drag movement gets a Twit Award.
Michele Fiore, the state treasurer of Nevada, said that the Uvalde shooter was “transgendering.” The stories connecting a transgender person with this incident have been shown to be false, but some people just won’t let the facts get in the way of putting down other people. For insisting on spreading disproven rumors, and for using that misinformation to insist on having access to dangerous firearms, state treasurer Michele Fiore gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Matt Walsh, a right wing commentator who identifies himself as “Best selling LGBT Children’s Author Matt Walsh” on Twitter (based on a book which Amazon quickly moved from its children’s book list to its political book list), has released a new documentary about transgender people, and LGBTQ Nation reports it is as bad as you would expect. Start with his title, What Is A Woman? You expect his answer has to do with genitalia or chromosomes. The movie spreads all sorts of myths about transgender people, including the lie that transgender people who are on HRT are at high risk for suicide. (In fact, they are at a lower risk of suicide than are transgender people who are not receiving HRT.) His “expert” overstates by at least double the complication rate for phalloplasty, and leaves the implication that the rate of complications for MtF surgery is similar. He claims, “The Left is terrified of the film. It’s that simple.” He neither realizes nor cares that the left is terrified of people believing the misinformation he is spreading. For bad research, for not caring that he is spreading lies, and for not caring that he misinforms his audience, Matt Walsh gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has a review.
Richards Middle School in Fraser, Michigan, has a policy which instructs teachers not to inform a parent of their child changing gender identity at school. According to , this is not just a theoretical point, as there is a transgender student at the school.. What is not clear is whether the school knows that the parents are unsupportive. At any rate, Fox News is mightily opposed. For taking the side of unsupportive parents rather than what studies show works best, and for demonstrating the kind of bias that the policy is designed to overcome, Fox News gets a Twit Award.
Elizabeth Clark was asked by a church camp to stop volunteering, because the camp disagrees with her gender identity. In a text to her parents, the camp said that the problem was Lizzie’s “lifestyle choice.” For displaying the unacceptable lifestyle choices which are hate, ignorance, and prejudice, the camp gets a Twit Award. WALB-TV has this story.
Category: Transgender Opinion