Twit Awards for the Week 1/23/23
As we mentioned in the news, Britain’s Parliament chose to use Section 35 for the first time, to stop the Scottish Parliament’s reform of the Gender Recognition Act. For choosing to stand with transphobia for political gain, and for not caring how transgender people get hurt as a result, the Conservative members of Parliament get a Twit Award. The CNN Wire has this story.
Harvard University has a class in its medical school which teaches future doctors a few things about transgender patients. According to them, conservative talk shows and podcasts have been spreading the idea that this class deals with transgender infants, which they feel feeds into their “groomer” rhetoric. For encouraging doctors to remain ignorant about a segment of their patients, and for spreading false information, those who spread this story get a Twit Award.
The Diocese of Des Moines has banned puberty-blocking drugs, transgender pronouns and the use of the restroom which corresponds with a transgender person’s gender identity. They call this an attempt to “welcome and minister to those coping with gender dysphoria while following Catholic Church teaching.” Of course, with such rules, they won’t “welcome” many transgender people. The rules are for Catholic schools (15 grade schools and 2 high schools) and parishes. It’s hard to see how parishes would abide by the rules For making rules for “welcoming” people by making them feel very unwelcome, and for replacing the very inclusive behavior of Jesus Christ with the very unwelcoming behavior of the far right, the Diocese of Des Moines gets a Twit Award. The Catholic News Agency has this story.
Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted a link to a questionably-sourced story in the Washington Times (a newspaper owned by the Unification Church of South Korea, otherwise known as the Moonies), which makes the claim that U.S. children have greater access to gender-affirming medication than European children do. She added the words, “Stop the permanent genital mutilation of kids now!!” Taking hormones does not mutilate the genitalia. For linking things that are not linked, and for creating hysteria about something she knows nothing about, Marjorie Taylor Greene gets yet another Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
The Daily Mail is all up in arms about a new questionnaire which Scottish school children are to fill out, which asks questions about the students age, school, and gender identity. It seems obvious that the government want to learn about the gender identity of students, but the Daily Mail seems to imply that it is trying to teach them to question the gender assigned at birth. For reading much too much into the survey, the Daily Mail gets a Twit Award.
A bill in North Dakota would fine people $1500 for using a pronoun which does not align with a person’s “biological sex.” For attempting to fine people for simple politeness, and for attempting to enshrine a misunderstanding of biology into law, the bill’s sponsor, state Senator David Clemens, gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
Category: Transgender Opinion