The Stained Glass Dream, Chapter 10, Part 2, Life With Baby
Andria kept growing. First there was the rolling over, then crawling. About this time Amy decided to return to work. This brought on new challenges and new emotions. The idea of leaving a small helpless infant into the care of strangers takes a toll on a new mothers psyche.
However, with a few brief kisses and one quick glance back, Amy pried herself out the door and into the car. I did my best to console her and tell her that everything would be fine. Amy simply responded with a concerned, “I know.” It didn’t take long for Amy to get back into the swing of things with her interior design position again. She really was a natural at it. Then little by little I started to see more of the woman I was used to seeing emerge . After a week of confidence building, she decided to once again take a timid chance at being sexy for me again. I have to admit that I had been missing this part of our relationship.
I had just settled into bed and was mentally preparing myself for sleep. Amy came out of the bathroom wearing a new sexy nightgown. She walked to the end of the bed and stood there so I take her in with my eyes. I could tell by the look on her face that she was unsure of herself. I was reminded then how much I am in love with this woman. There she was with so much on her plate. Her list of things to do has got to seem endless. Yet here she was attempting to add one more thing: being my wife in all of its facets. I looked up at her. She had her hair down and wild just the way I love it. Her body had made the change from young girl to mature woman. Her breasts were a little fuller and a little lower than they used to be. She was slightly thicker in the mid section than the lithe young girl I had met that day at the apartment swimming pool. Still to me she was the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen. I smiled,”Amy, you look beautiful.”
She timidly said to me, “I don’t feel beautiful. I feel like I should be wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt.”
I pulled the covers back as if I was making room for her, and motioned with my eyes to join me in the bed.
“Don’t you dare change a thing. Now come here and let me show you how much in lust I am with you.”
That made her smile. It’s one thing to appreciate the mother of your children, but to be able to still see her as desirable; that is an entirely different thing. Amy came to the side of the bed and hurriedly got under the covers as if she was cold. I put my arms around her and gazed deeply into her eyes.
“Amy, I love you so much. I never knew that love could feel this way.”
We kissed, deeply and passionately. It wasn’t overwhelming pleasure that she was seeking that night, that curl your toes orgasm. It was the connection of two people deeply in love with each other, that bond that brings two separate people into one being. I rolled over onto my back and Amy rolled with me. My hands immediately went to her full rounded ass and I began to squeeze and massage her. A short moan escaped from her lips in between the passionate embrace of our lips. Softly I heard her whisper in my ear, “Baby, make me feel like a woman again . . . please.”
I thought about what she had just said. Then it occurred to me that I had no idea how to give her what she needed. So I asked her what she wanted from me. She responded: “Baby just hold me. Stroke my hair, let me feel your love. Then screw my brains out!”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. This was the woman I loved, and wanted so desperately wanted to make love to. Amy laid her head on my chest and I began to run my fingers through her hair. She looked up at me and in an uncomfortable scrunch, I kissed her lips. Amy began to tell me how much she loved me. I ran the back of hand down her cheek and assured her that I loved her too. Amy let her hand drift down to my man part and began to play with it with the intent on getting results. Then she kissed down my body, taking my hardened member into her mouth. I settled into the bed and just concentrated on feeling what she was doing. The pleasure of what she was doing began to grow stronger, but she did not allow me to explode. Instead, she sat up on top of me taking my member inside her. I was actually surprised at how turned on she was. I mean we have had quickies whenever we had the chance, but we haven’t had passion in a couple of months. This time, Amy was wet and ready for me. She began to ride me letting me know that she was in charge. She began to buck her hips as her moans started to intensify. I knew she was getting close, and so was I. Suddenly in a release of pent up energy, I let go with what I had. At that point it was all over for me. However, feeling the release of my hot seed inside of her, was the thing Amy needed to push her over the edge as well. Still breathing heavily and with a look of contentment, Amy collapsed on top of me. We continued to fool around for a little longer, that is until we were both satisfied and tired. Then we drifted off into contented sleep.
There are two subjects that the poets have been writing about for over two thousand years. That is love, and how quickly time marches on. Love is somehow always new and fresh with every generation. Love is the one experience that binds the world together. It doesn’t matter what century you are from, or what part of the world you live in. We have all experienced love with all its heartaches and its glories. As humans, it is comforting to know that we are not alone in this experience. That someone else is capable of understanding how we feel about love because they have been through it too. That we are not the only ones that have taken the plunge into the emotional unknown.
Then there is the passage of time. As children we see our lives as some far off future thing that is taking too long to get here. As we get older and into our teenage years, we start to believe that we are indestructible and will live forever. Mid life finds us anxious because life is passing us by and we still have so much to get done. Then as you have children of your own life plays a funny trick on you. Suddenly your entire life speeds up and starts to pass you by. One day your child is born, and a short time later they are starting school. Then before you know it your child is no longer a child and they are planning their wedding.
I remember once when my little girl was four years old and still in day care. Amy had picked up Andria from daycare. Amy came home perplexed. Andria had been telling her mother all about her day. The problem was she had spent the day with someone named Uncle Saucer. Amy didn’t pursue the topic much more than just expressing her concern about it. Still, the next day my wife asked the daycare if someone named Saucer worked for them and had her daughter spent the day with this person? The manager of the daycare assured my wife that no one with that name worked there and Andria had spent the entire day in her class with the teacher and the assistant. However, the teacher had noticed a great deal of imagination with our daughter. I mean all kids are prone to embellishment, but Andria seemed to be particularly creative. I had to burst out laughing as Amy was telling me all this. Amy looked at me puzzled wondering why I was not as concerned about this as she was. I told her a story about a friend I had as a kid.
“Did I ever tell you about my friend, Kip Johnson? He was about twenty five years old, he was sort of an adventurer who had been stranded on this strange island with a beautiful woman named Linda and a barbarian called Nannock. The island was like a paradise. It had lush trees, mountains, and animals of all kinds.”
Amy looked at me not sure where this conversation was going or why I was bringing it up now. I only laughed a little and then continued with my story.
“Kip told me of the many adventures he had had on that island. He told me that one day he found a portal, sort of like a wormhole that could transport people to other places. When Kip found this portal, he walked through it and was transported to this fantastic city that was ruled by twelve elders. These twelve were the ones that had created the island and were in charge of everything that happened on it. They called that particular place Paradise Island. Then they asked Kip if he would take charge of paradise island and be its overseer. They then told him that there were two other islands other than the one that Kip and his girlfriend were living on. The other two islands were: The savage island and the danger island. The savage island was the one that Nannock lived on, he was the overseer of that place. It was filled with prehistoric beasts and even an active volcano. The other island had been created by accident and was not able to be controlled. It was constantly changing in form. It could be very dangerous at times. This island could produce shadows that seemed to be real. Shadows of people from your past or even nightmarish things capable of causing terrible harm.
Amy interrupted, “Sounds to me like this person had a lot of imagination and was filling your young mind with things that couldn’t possibly be true.”
I raised one eyebrow and then spoke again, “This is the thing you don’t understand: I was there. I saw all of it with my own eyes, at least my mind’s eye. You see I made it all up, but I could see every detail of that place. The ivory towers of the city, the furniture they laid around on, the strange games that this advanced race of people played. I knew the type of clothing that Kip Johnson wore, the color of his girlfriend’s hair. All of it.”
At this point Amy started to get the point that I was trying to make.
“So then you are saying Andria comes by all of this naturally and for me not to worry about it.”
Again I laugh, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Amy came over to me and embraced me, “You know that would make a great story. You should work on that.”
I smiled as I answered her.
“I already have it tucked away in a mental cubby hole.”
Then at this point Andria came rushing over to me all excited, “Mommy J guess what I did today!”
Category: Fiction