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  • in reply to: Transgender Arts #70854

    No. There is a misunderstanding. The “cafe” is the messages people post and reply to. Not a Zoom meeting or other video conference. Just posts and responses. Sorry for trying to be hip.

    in reply to: Transgender Arts #70658

    It’s a virtual cafe. Posts here create the virtual cafe.

    in reply to: Transgender Transition #55430

    The link has been added to our Resources page. To contact us it’s better to use the Managing Editor contact in the column to the right of this one and down a bit.

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #53605

    You are right that you can not change anyone’s mind on the web. But, the fact is that the transgender experience is a spectrum, not a this or that situation. Some of those who have longed all their lives for a permanent home in the opposite of their birth gender have issues with “part time girls.” They look upon those who cross the gender border as they feel the urge and then return to (usually) a male identity as posers. They assign motivations to part time dressing that are not necessarily true. Just as part time girls have no idea what it feels like to hate your body all the time, the transitioned transgender woman doesn’t know what fun it is to interact with the world as a female and be happy with a male role as well. What needs to happen is just a little respect. Part time crossdressers are no threat to trans women. Keep in mind that the general public views anyone they perceive as a males in women’s clothes as odd. In some areas it can be an excuse for physical assault. The assaulter doesn’t ask if you do this full time or part time. So have fun. Enjoy dressing up, and then enjoy your male role. Like RuPaul says, “Unless they are paying your bills pay them b***hes no mind.”

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #53532

    As the admin of TGF I get to see what people have searched for on the site. Recently someone searched on whether or not they could use nail glue to glue on breast forms. Most decidedly NOT! Nail glue is cyanoacrylate, or in marketing terms Crazy Glue. Using it to attack forms would be crazy. Crazy Glue is brittle and would damage not only flesh but would mess up the breast forms. Double sided tapes that will support forms, or a brush on adhesive are the approved method of attaching your breast forms. Both can be bought from The Breast Form Store.

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #52620

    Welcome to TGForum. It’s not unusual for men who long to crossdress but hide it from their friends and families to build up frustration about not being able to dress where ever and whenever they like. The tension of keeping the big secret can be intense. Some manage to balance short periods of dressing up, going on a “business” trip or some other excuse to get away, while others feel the pressure steadily building till the pot boils over. All that intensity can make a person feel like they are not just happy crossdressing when they can and makes them wonder if they should go further. Sorting those feelings out is hard while you’re still in the closet. A good simple test is to attend a community event, if you can get away for five days. Something like Fantasia Fair where you can present your femme sell to the world everyday for five or so days sorts out those who are crossdressers from those who are trans women. If after the 4th or 5th day you are tired of shaving and putting on makeup that is an indicator that you are a crossdresser. Don’t just take my word for it. Contact a gender aware therapist in your area. Also, you can send a question to our online advice columnist, Amanita and she will answer you in her monthly column.

    in reply to: Transgender Transition #50558

    I just removed a person from this Forum and from the TGForum users database for posting a very dangerous Do It Yourself “partial sex change.” I don’t know what this person’s motivation was but the procedure described would surely mutilate if not kill. Any similar posts will be removed immediately. If you see any posts in this Forum that are promoting things that could harm people please let me know.

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #49553

    Contact the local support group for transgender folks, Neutral Corner. It’s been there since 1985.

    in reply to: Transgender Transition #49339

    The closest we come to how hormones affect users if an article by our science contributor Dr. Dana Bevan.

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #49332

    You are in a tough spot. Many crossdressers feel that they will lose their partners if they tell any or just a bit of the truth about their attraction to dressing up. It’s good that you spouse accepts you in lingerie. Since she has gone that far she may be open to you doing more. But, most partners are most concerned that someone will recognize you as a man they know when you are out and about. Loss of status in the community is often why they don’t want you dressing in public. You have two choices. Continue as you are or try slowly introducing the idea of you going out. if she is really set against it then you have to decide how important going out en femme is to you and move on from there. Good luck! Thanks for using our discussion forum.

    in reply to: General Discussion of Transgender Issues #49209

    Jessica, I’m sorry but the discussion forum is not equipped to offer fast help. It’s a place for long discussions of issues, not helping with emergencies. That said, I don’t know which hotline you contacted but here is one dedicated to the members of the trans community. I hope you can find some help there.

    Trans Lifeline is the first hotline dedicated to the Trans* community. They can be reached at US: (877) 565-8860 CANADA: (877) 330-6366 or at

    in reply to: Transgender Transition #48754

    Take a look at Dana Bevan’s article on TGF about hormone use.

    in reply to: Crossdresser Corner #47956

    Welcome Julie! I came out to my friends and associates by appearing on the Morton Downy Jr. talk show to educate people about trans issues. After that appearance I suddenly didn’t hear from some “friends” and others just took it in stride. It was harder telling the first girlfriend i came out to. I told her over the phone and after a week of not hearing from her I called and she said she could continue to be in a relationship but didn’t want to see me dressed. Then after time she did see me and even participated in some support group meetings. We broke up eventually due to other issues. My father and mother never knew.

    in reply to: General Discussion of Transgender Issues #47660

    You can find binders here:
    Also check or Resources page for FtM resources.

    in reply to: Transgender Transition #47317

    Good to hear from you!

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