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Trans Spirituality Special Edition – War in Ukraine

| Mar 7, 2022
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I’m sure that most folx reading this right now, like me, have heavy hearts because of the war in Ukraine. This to most of us is a cruel, senseless war. Czar for Life Putin has claimed that it is about Neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian military, but in my opinion that is patently false. In fact, I’m sure if Putin looked, he would find plenty of Neo-Nazis in his own forces.

My belief is that this war is for a few factors. Putin very much desires to rebuild the “Rodina”, the mother-land. He wants to rebuild the strength of the former USSR. In addition, Ukraine is the top agricultural producer in Europe. If he controls this, he has control over the euro, and can tank the European economy and thus the world’s economy. World markets are already sinking.

As this happens, the ruble is strengthened. With the stronger ruble, he and his oligarchs can use rubles to buy precious metals, and to buy holdings in European and American interests, securing power here without ever striking a blow.

Further, he has already stood up his nuclear weapon forces. He knows that Israel, the U.K., France and the U.S. all have nuclear weapons, so we all are powerless to respond to his actions. If we respond even with conventional forces, he may well resort to nuclear weapons. This of course would result in global environmental disaster.

Bringing us closer to home and the trans community, I did some research today. In Ukraine, it is estimated that there may be as many as 36,000 trans folx. It is very difficult to be trans in Ukraine, but it isn’t illegal. 

Russia is another story. Putin recently passed legislation specifically banning all trans people from living or transitioning in Russia. Like many other minorities, just surviving as a trans person in Russia makes one an outlaw. So, we really have no idea how many trans folx live there.

There is one thing we can be sure of though. Because in both countries, people are conscripted to serve in the militaries, currently there are trans folx on both sides of the battle lines, shooting at each other.  The numbers may be very small, but they are there. This is, however, an unimaginable horror.

OutRight Action International is taking donations to help queer and trans folx in Ukraine. I have verified this charity, so you can trust that if you send your hard-earned money, it will go where they say it is going.

We all hope and pray for peace in Ukraine and the rest of the world. There are so many places around the globe that are still experiencing war and oppression. Colonial Imperialism is still alive and well in most of the Southern Hemisphere, and of course throughout North America as well. As I write this in Las Vegas, I am sitting on Paiute land.

I hope that in my lifetime we can see the vision of the Prophet Isaiah fulfilled, when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they experience war any more. When people will no longer do evil or destroy, when the world is filled with knowledge of God as the waters cover the seas.

Peace out,


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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Rabbah Rona Matlow (ze/hir) is an AMAB NB trans woman. Ze is a retired navy nuclear power officer, permanently disabled veteran and ordained rabbi. Ze is the author of the upcoming book “We are God’s Children Too”, part autobiography and part text which debunks the myths that conservative clergy have been teaching about trans and queer people for millennia. Ze is a communal activist, pastoral counselor and educator. Hir websites are and

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