Trans News Now
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Mattel announced a new Barbie doll, based on Laverne Cox. This story appears in Changing America. The Laverne Cox version of Barbie is one of six LGBTQ dolls you can buy, according to
Two weeks ago, we told you that Bradley Curry was going to be deadnamed at his high school graduation ceremony if he showed up. This week, the principal told him he would not be deadnamed. He said, “I feel like this battle was unnecessary and brought attention to us that we didn’t desire.” The Advocate has this story.
Governor Kevin Still of Oklahoma signed an anti-transgender bathroom bill into law. The law specifically applies to students at public schools, as The Associated Press reports.
In Indiana, the state legislature voted to override the governor’s veto of a student athlete bill. The Advocate has this story.
The Louisiana state legislature has passed a transgender athlete bill. Governor Jon Bel Edwards vetoed the same legislation last year. This story comes from The Advocate.
A federal judge temporarily blocked Montana’s law forbidding the updating of gender on birth certificates of transgender people. In the month since that ruling, the state has not updated any birth certificates. The Hill has this story.
Pride month begins this week. In San Francisco, many people and some organizations are avoiding pride, to protest the city’s ban on uniforms (police, fire fighters, etc.) among those attending the event. This story appears in The SFist.
Britain is in the midst of a serious bout of public transphobia However, them tells of some transgender storytellers in Britain who are trying to show that transgender folks are regular people with good stories to tell.
An editorial in NYN Media says that a Transgender Wellness Fund would help alleviate employment issues and poverty. Such a fund has been proposed in the legislature.
State Farm Insurance has discontinued a program through which agents provided books for schools in Florida. Many of the books were about LGBTQ topics, which are no longer allowed in Florida school libraries. It is possible that the insurance agency is trying to sent the message that they don’t like the Don’t Say Gay bill. The Advocate has this story.
Cryptographic Blockchain Industries of France has created Qtopia, a virtual community for LGBTQ people. How long that community will last we cannot say. This story comes from PinkNews.
New York University’s School of Nursing has started to offer a class in transgender health. Students asked for such a class as far back as 2019, and it is finally being offered, according to them.
Science Blog tells of a graduate degree candidate who is working on a study of transgender teens.
The monkeypox virus seems to be hitting men who have sex with men. Good news–it is not a sexually transmitted disease—but it is spread only by very close contact. Bad news–people who are prone to behaviors which require close contact increase the likelihood of transmission. You can read up at them.
A list of LGBTQ films “to transport you to another place” in Out Traveler contains two transgender films, one set among the Muxes of Mexico, and the other set in Brazil.
At least a couple of the best LGBTQ books for this summer as chosen by them have transgender themes.
The Book Of Queer premieres this week on Discovery+. It is a documentary about queer history, both the parts that we aren’t usually taught, and the parts that are. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Generation Drag follows five teenage drag queens, showing them both as they are doing drag and as they are living their lives as teens. It premieres this Wednesday on Discovery+, and is reviewed by The Advocate.
Suella Braverman, the Attorney General of Britain, said that schools do not have a legal obligation to affirm a transgender student’s identity. She went further, opining that it is “outrageous” for teachers to have no right to question a student’s gender identity. But, she never says precisely how that would work, what criteria the teacher could use to judge whether a gender transition was serious. PinkNews has this story.
A famous British psychiatrist has been accused of practicing conversion therapy by the UK’s General Medical Council. Conversion therapy is still legal in Britain, though it is considered a bad practice by major psychology associations. This story comes from PinkNews.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in Britain (which uses the abbreviation NICE) is updating its menopause guidance to include transgender and non-binary people. PinkNews has this story.
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo continues reporting on the war in Ukraine for LGBTQ Nation. This week, she tells of Agatha Williams, a metal fabricator who uses they/them pronouns, and who is doing her part to bring relief to those in the war zone.
Them has a list of seven pride events specifically for trans people.
A new podcast which looks a the racist history of pride events also looks at how many of them left transgender people behind. This story comes from them.
An editorial in Out asks what Pride means in an era when prejudice is on the rise and lawmakers are aiming to treat transgender people as second-class citizens (or lower).
A transgender teacher spoke at a middle school graduation, and The Salt Lake Tribune was impressed with her speech.
An editorial in The Advocate looks at the many times that LGBTQ children, especially transgender children, are the targets of laws these days.
In too many cases, transgender youth say that they are “just surviving” with so many anti-transgender bills in so many states. The situation in Oregon, a state which has not had an anti-transgender bill yet, is covered in a story by KGW-TV.
Trans News Now is assembled by Cecilia Barzyk with additional content and editing by Angela Gardner. Care to make a comment on this post? Login here and use the comment area below.
Category: Transgender Community News