Tranny Queer: The Queerest of Them All

The Artist D
“Queer” is a great word. I love it so much that I dedicated thirteen TGForum columns to it this year. Queerness covers so many facets of our lives which I love dearly. It isn’t about just being queer in sex or gender. There is a lot to be painted queer these days. It’s queer from back in the day where they said in movies, “Isn’t that queer?” It’s strange, odd, unusual, and sometimes funny. It’s a thought process, a certain perspective, and sometimes a sexuality.
The true queer is queer right down to their opinion. There is queerness in being queer. I am sexually queer in that I don’t really think much about sexuality. It is what it is and we’ll have a good time if we decide to have a good time. You are allowed to invite as many people into the sexual dungeon as you wish and have as good a time as you all want to have.
I am gender queer too. I don’t really give gender much thought either and that makes it pretty queer. I used to be passionately embroiled in the standard transgender mythos that you are one or the other and trapped, clawing to get out. Then I realized I’m just queer, a tranny queer.
The most important realization was that I am just queer from head to toe, inside and out. Queer in my brain. My thought patterns are queer. They are bizarre, funny, abnormal, and peculiar thought patterns when compared to others. My thoughts keep crawling out of every box they find themselves stuck in. This queerness is truly an extraterrestrial perspective.
A lot of normal folks out in the world love to comment about the way I act or the things I say. They claim I am weird, peculiar, and very strange. My reactions and remarks don’t fit the script. I’m very matter of fact and I rarely get caught up with inserting my feelings into a situation. If I was a normal person I would be upset, but since I’m not I am going to be far too rational. I am not usually pushed by peer pressure because I shucked off that false responsibility a long time ago.
I am the way I am because I do everything I can to keep looking at it all through a wide lens. A nice big ol’ queer lens! Things are often far less detrimental if you can see why something was done or bravely take a look at things to come. It seems to be that people who get easily upset or begin to hyperventilate are stuck in zoom lens mode. All they know is the here and now (true, yet not). All they know is that trouble is coming down the pike.
Some of us are queer in body and soul. We act queerly and look queerly. We think queerly, too! We are people who do not fit and we don’t really know why. We sit back and try to be part of the party. But it’s ever so hard because we are observational creatures who see the reality of the situation, queerly.
I’m here. I’m queer. I hope you’re here too.
TRANNY QUEER by The Artist D
Chapter List
01. In the Beginning
05. Queers in Church
06. I’m a Man, Baby
09. Rebel Yell
11. Gay Serial Killers — First Kisses
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Category: Transgender Body & Soul