Today’s Top Stories…
In this edition of TGFNews: one settlement in an employment dispute, one case still in court, and one in limbo in Largo. Transgendered characters are making a splash on daytime and primetime television. Also: When should you tell him you’re a man? Probably before he proposes. All this and more…
Please keep your hands inside the car at all time. Put your trays in the upright position, and remember, all links open in new windows.
Julie Nemecek has settled out of court with Spring Arbor University. You’ll remember, she was fired for announcing her intent to transition, and she sued the private, Christian university. Terms of the settlement have not been made public. Read more at or the Livingston Daily.
In a not unrelated story, the fired city manager of Largo, Florida, is still fighting to remain on the job.  Get the latest on what Susan Stanton is dealing with from the St. Petersburgh Times.
And it’s not just transgendered Americans who are fighting for employment rights. Gina Serra is taking her former employer to court.  Read more here.
Those aren’t the only court cases. A jilted lover is suing in Kansas City.  Details here.
There’s a new book out on one of the pioneers of our community. Ever heard of Michael Dillon? Pagan Kennedy reviews a biography in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Didja miss the support group meeting on ABC’s AMC? (All My Children) Yeah, me too.  ABC is nice enough to podcast that episode. And since they rank the top podcasts of all their shows, wouldn’t it be something to see a TG-themed show reach the top? (In other words: go get it.)
Oh, and you can also get the episodes of Ugly Betty with Rebecca Romijn as transsexual. A TVGuide blogger really liked it.
And finally, I don’t want to out anyone, but…um….in the Valerie Plame hearing, try to tear your eyes away from the lovely spy, and watch the background.Â
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News