Time For That Old Monday Edition
Before we begin today I have to ask if you’re taking some time amid the holiday hustle and bustle to set aside time for the important things? Like making a cup of tea and sitting down in front of your computer monitor to read the TGForum Monday Edition! You are? Good, I knew you had your priorities straight.
We begin today with the always informative and exhaustively researched The Week In Transgenderism, the column in which our News Editor Ronnie Rho distills all of the TG news from around the world. And, as always, this week she has a massive amount of stuff. Too much to detail here so I will close this paragraph with the words we have typed so many times — don’t miss your TWIT!
We are joined this week by a new contributor to TGForum. Please read and welcome Miss Sophie Lynne. Sophie begins her contributions with some thought on Thanksgiving, crossdressing and being in the closet on a holiday devoted to giving thanks. Remember, the comment box is there to let us know if you like it, hate it or have any other comment. Read A Holiday Introduction.
Next up on the roster of content is the always entertaining and provocative Dina’s Diner. Carefully mixed, baked and served by our Miss Dina Amberle, Dina’s Diner always has the latest dish on what’s going on in the world, comments on fashion trends, and, you’ll always find some boobs in there somewhere. Don’t miss Dina’s Diner.
Miss Kalina Isato has a brand new passport that says “female.” And she’s going to use it for a trip to India. She also has taken a bunch of pictures of herself and the Thanksgiving parade. And she’s had some meals, has unearthed proof that club girls do wear those kind of outfits and a whole lot more. It’s all in Kalina’s Stochastic Musings.
Transvocalizers is here this week and Pamela DeGroff does her year end wrap up for us. If you missed any of her columns on trans vocalists, along with her reviews of CDs by real girls who CDs will enjoy, check out the Transvocalizers Year End Wrap Up and see which of her columns in 2010 you should search for and check out.
That’s if for this Monday Edition of TGF! Enjoy!
Category: TG Forum News