This Week’s Tits
And by tits, I mean boobs. And by boobs, I mean gits. Which rhymes with tits. Which in this case means “people so frustratingly stupid you’ll want to pull your hair out by the roots, and then lay whimpering on the floor.”
Let’s start with the obvious: John Mark Karr is still claiming that he killed JonBenet Ramsey. And now he says he was going to have SRS to avoid capture by the police. The very same police who weren’t chasing him until he stepped up to say, “Hey! I killed JonBenet Ramsey!”
It’s safe to say Karr is nuts. I make that diagnosis not based on any medical training other than a few games of Operation, played during my childhood. And admittedly, I wasn’t very good.
Now, the question is: is he nuts because he’s transgendered, or is he transgendered because he’s nuts? That is to say, was Karr planning on SRS because he was certifiable, or was he driven around the bend because he was TG and didn’t get support or help, or anything.
Obviously in this case, he’s not technically transgendered. Karr is simply whacko. But, I think we’ve all known someone in the community who was a bit off; someone whose chessboard was missing a few pawns. I’d like to be the shining example of how to deal with the “not all there”. I’d like to be the Mother Theresa to the crazy tranny community, but honestly, I don’t have the patience. (Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.)
So, I’m a hypocrite: I want to see our nutjobs get support and help from within the community before they go koo-koo and get on the national news because they’ve made a suit out of the skin of dead hookers. But I don’t want to be the one who helps ’em.
Speaking of hypocrites, we come to our second Tit of the Week: Senator Larry Craig. The three-term Senator resigned after it came out that he plead guilty to trying to initiate a hook-up in a bathroom. And there are accusations that he’s been gay all along, but kept it on the down-low. (The hypocrisy comes from his anti-gay stance in Congress.)
So, what’s the problem and why does this matter to those of us who don’t live in Idaho, or aren’t gay?
Two kinds of men have sexual encounters that start in public bathrooms: those who get a thrill from the taboo of doing it someplace where they could get caught, and those who have no-where else to go to meet a lover. Let’s focus on the latter.
We all know in this day and age that there are gay bars galore. There are also gay newspapers and magazines with classified ads, and this little thing I like to call the “Internet”. On this so-called “World Wide Web”, one can find like-minded individuals, chat with them, e-mail them, or simply look at pictures they post. So, if someone is looking for a boyfriend, there’s certainly no shortage of places to look.
But, if someone isn’t looking for a boyfriend, if they’re looking for just a quick hook-up, if they don’t want to be seen in a gay establishment, if they don’t want to leave a paper-trail, (be it a toilet paper trail or otherwise,) or a history on the computer, the lure of anonymous sex in a bathroom stall is a nice option.
And if they don’t want to admit to themselves that they’re gay, a quickie in the men’s room might be just the ticket to relieve that “itch” without guilt.
How does this apply to us? Many of us are closeted about our gender-status. Many of us are sexually-stimulated by people and images that might qualify us as something other than straight. All I’m saying is be honest. If you can’t be honest with your spouse about your interest in her panties, be honest with yourself about that stirring you get when you look at other t-girls.
No, not everyone in the t-community is attracted to other transgendered individuals. And not every t-girl is interested in sex with men. But, it’s out there. It happens. And when it’s denied, or swept under the rug, something bad will come of it.
Be honest about who you are. And be honest with yourself too. Because if you’re not, it’s a long way down when you fall off Mount Self-Righteousness into the Valley of Hypocrisy.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Opinion