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Mail System Woes… Latest Info

| Sep 4, 2007
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First, let me apologize for the Mail System problems we’ve had over the past week. Once again, Spam filtering was the culprit. Our mail server was overwhelmed and crashed. We rebooted and rebuilt the system. I thought all was fine at that point and took the weekend off for the holiday.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of the story. Many of you have sent us mail saying that your account was wiped out or that your mailboxes are empty. I just spoke with Alaina, our Tech Admin, about the situation. It seems the rebuild script did not restore all the mailboxes but built new ones for many people. On the plus side, Alaina says that all of the “missing” mail is still on the server and she is working to figure out how to import the old messages back into the new mailboxes. So, if you are missing mail, it is not lost, just temporarily waylaid.

I apologize for the troubles. The mail system has been the most problematic part of maintining TGForum. It was always an issue and continues to be an issue. Alaina and I are addressing it with new hardware to boost processing and filtering. Please be patient with us.

Best regards
JoAnn Roberts
TGF Publisher

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About the Author ()

I am a writer, editor and educator. I was one of the 5 founders of the Renaissance Transgender Education Assoc., and have served on the boards of IFGE and AEGIS. I've published several books on CD/TS/TG subjects. My how-to books are available at the CDS Bookstand ( I am most proud of "Coping With Crossdressing: Tools and Strategies for Couples in Committed Relationships". I was an early TG political activist and one of the co-founders of GenderPAC. I wrote and published a Bill of Gender Rights in December 1990. I've appeared on several television shows and in the movie "All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go". I published "LadyLike" magazine for 18 years, as well as "EnFemme" magazine and "International TranScript". (JoAnn passed away in June of 2013.)

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