The Week In Transgenderism 12/19/11
How do you go about marketing another push-up bra in this day and age? There are already a ton of them on the market and they all do about the same kind of job. How about putting your bra on a model who doesn’t have breast development? Like a male model who models women’s wear. Like, you guessed it, Andrej Pejic. See the amazing photos of the world’s most beautiful male in The Huffington Post. It looks like that bra really works.
They may have done their part to wreck the economy but don’t say that JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs are mean to GLBT people. Well, in general yes, cause their high powered gambling has messed things up for lots of people. But, they treat their GLBT employees well. Of course if you’re working at one of these companies you probably make a good living to start with. Read about it at
The transgender teen who was gruesomely murdered last month in Detroit was not the victim of a hate crime. Well, the killer hated her but not because she was transgendered. Her killer, now behind bars, murdered her in retaliation for her part in a drug sting that got him arrested. For a story right out of a television police drama check out the details at
Our “meet the transsexual” article this week was written by transsexual body builder Chris Tina Bruce. To some the idea of a MtF being a bodybuilder seems strange. TSs take estrogen. Body builders take steroids. How the heck did a body builder seek reassignment surgery? Chris Tina explains in The Huffington Post.
The roots of transgenderedness are hard to find. There are all sorts of theories, ranging from past lives as the opposite gender manifesting, to more estrogen being released during pregnancy. The actual cause of being TG is still up in the air. And the waters just got murkier. (Enough cliches! Tell us why!) Identical twin boys, Wyatt and Jonas, share the same DNA but their genders diverged as early as four years of age. Wyatt is now Nicole and the twins are 14. Read their story at
Janet Mock is a young woman who has been mentioned in TWIT before. She’s the editor from Marie Claire magazine who came out as transgendered this year. Part of the reason she stepped out of stealth mode and told the world she was trans was the fact that she fell for a guy, told him her story, and they have been a couple for several years. She tells how she told her fella in an article at
The California TG who was Tasered by rangers on government land has an attorney and is fighting what at this time are potential charges. Arrested on federal land for public drunkenness, resisting arrest making a terrorist threat, Brooke Fantelli maintains that there was no problem until the rangers found out she was transgendered. Her attorney is prepared to “put the Bureau of Land Management on trial” if charges are filed. Read all about it in The Windy City Times.
It’s a tough call when it comes to deciding if we should include celebrities from outside the United States in TWIT when they decide to dress up as ladies. If our US readers don’t know who the person is in the first place they won’t appreciate the item. The celebrity in this case, a judge on England’s X Factor show, Lous Walsh, has dressed up as a female former judge on that program to recreate a photo for Heat magazine’s annual Stars Dress Up issue. See, that means nothing to you Yanks, but the Brits are smiling. We include the item because Miss Walsh looks damned good in drag. Check her out at More on the story, plus the photo that Heat was trying to recreate at
We all know the Internet is a harsh mistress. Just one dot out of place, or a / instead of a \ can totally mess you up. Simple things like using a “com” instead of “net” can send you to the completely wrong place. Imagine the horror and consternation when the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila added a link to their website that was supposed to take people to a live stream of the installment of the new Archbishop of Manila (when I hear “installment” I always see them attaching wires and other installation type hardware) but the URL they used took people to a transvestite porn site. The story is at
ABC thinks it has a winning comedy with the upcoming series Work It. More of a disaster from our point of view. The show is about two out of work guys whose only chance to get jobs involves them impersonating women and applying for work at a pharmaceutical company. There are so many things wrong with that concept we won’t bother to get into them. As could be expected, the show has drawn fire from GLBT organizations. Find out which ones at Entertainment Weekly’s website.
While the plot of Work It is totally unbelievable, there are some places in the world where your dream of getting a job while being glamorous can happen — if you’re a 24-year-old Thai Ladyboy. PC Air, a new charter airline based in Thailand, has hired four transgendered flight attendants. Meet the ladies and see pictures of them at work in The Huffington Post.
One of the more successful portrayal’s of a trans person by a straight male actor was John Lequizamo’s turn as Chi-Chi in Two Wong Fu , Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar. While the other two “queens” didn’t seem that believable Chi-Chi was pretty real. Find out how Lequizamo prepared for the role at
That famous drag celeb, she of the gigantic hair (who also appeared in To Wong Fu . . . ), Lady Bunny, has taken over Times Square. No, she’s not heading up a drag queen branch of Occupy. She’s doing her first ever cabaret show. The Bunny performs every Tuesday night at La Escuelita Cabaret Theater and the review is in. Go read it at
The case of the TG teen who got in trouble with her school for using the girl’s room has not ended in a victory for TG rights. The girl, Donne Malikowski, is still barred from using the student restroom facilities. The Pourdre School District decided that they have to segregate her from the other girls. Now a Congressman from Colorado has spoken out in defense of TG student’s bathroom rights. TWIT hopes, too, that Donne’s suspension will not go on her permanent record. Read the story at
The TG actress who made her film debut in Gun Hill Road has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Independent Spirit Awards. It was a milestone moment since Harmony Santana is the first TG actress nominated for a major Hollywood award. Get the details in The Huffington Post.
Last week we reported that the McDonald’s attack victim, Chrissy Polis, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she called the police to report a robbery. It seems that she was upset about being robbed of her purse, cell phone and a large amount of cash. When the responding officer used male pronouns when he talked to her we guess that’s what sent her over the edge. She’s going to court to fight the charges and her attorney thinks the state “doesn’t have much of a case.” Read all about it at
Our TWIT Award goes to the French court that has refused to recognize a MtF transsexual’s gender change. Why? She is still married to her wife and the court is worried that officially changing her gender status will be an endorsement of same sex marriage. All we can say is — grow up! Read about this rampant twittery at
Category: Transgender Community News