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The Default; What it Means For You

| May 29, 2023
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A significantly higher percentage of the trans community have served in the military than in the cisgender community. Thus, the trans community is more reliant on the Veteran’s Administration and military benefits than the cis community.

Likewise, when we look at the percentage of people who are neurodivergent, research has shown that there is a much higher occurrence in the trans community. The National Transgender Discrimination Survey has shown that there is almost a 10 times higher suicide rate in the trans community due to external stressors.

We also know from the NTDS that it is much harder for trans people to maintain employment security, housing security, food security, etc. For all these reasons, through no fault of our own, but through external stressors, we become reliant on various kinds of government benefits. For instance, I receive military retirement, VA disability and Social Security disability payments, and my wife receives social security retirement; and we both have Medicare and Tricare for life for our healthcare.

The government is on the verge of a default. Why? Because the Republicans, whom I often call the “Greedy Old Pooters” (GOP) are holding the country hostage, yet again, demanding that the Democrats cut spending. The irony of this is that the deficit ALWAYS INCREASES during GOP administrations and ALWAYS DECREASES during Democratic administrations.


These Republicans are allegedly operating on conservative principles. They do not like the social policies that Democrats put forward. The reality, however, is that these social policies support marginalized people – anyone who is not a White Anglo Saxon Protestant rich cis/het/binary MALE. It is the Evangelicals behind the GOP who are pulling the political strings and bringing us to the brink of financial disaster.

For the longest time, backing the dollar’s value has been the reputation of our country. But the actions of the GOP have trashed that value so badly that many countries are now de-dollarizing and turning to the Renminbi for their currency base instead, strengthening China and weakening the US.

The Evangelicals are operating not on a religious base, but as I’ve said previously in this column, on a base of White Supremacy. They CLAIM to be a religious group, yet they ignore EVERY religious principle that their PRECIOUS Bible requires them to follow, and every principle that their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught them. Instead, they are following idolatry – the great god of mammon, and killing anyone who doesn’t bow down to them.

EVERY marginalized person in the U.S. is in great danger now, even if they do not believe it. EVERY marginalized person needs to go and read Martin Neimoller’s poem “First they Came for the Socialists” and heed its warning. Because if we all do not – there will be nobody left who isn’t chattel.

This is May 2023; we are 18 months from the next Presidential election. We need to get Biden and Harris off the Democrat ticket and get a STRONG democrat ticket that can beat the GOP for the White House, and we need to retake BOTH houses with decent majorities. The only way to do that is with grass roots activism on the part of EVERY Gen X, Y, Z, Millennial, etc. Many of us Boomers are too old and/or disabled (myself included) to get out and stump now, but there are still some who can – they need to be doing this too. As I’ve been saying for years – if you know someone who can’t get to the polls for some reason, get them there!

The Torah tells us that saving lives overrides all other commandments. So, get out there and save the lives of all of us!



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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Rabbah Rona Matlow (ze/hir) is an AMAB NB trans woman. Ze is a retired navy nuclear power officer, permanently disabled veteran and ordained rabbi. Ze is the author of the upcoming book “We are God’s Children Too”, part autobiography and part text which debunks the myths that conservative clergy have been teaching about trans and queer people for millennia. Ze is a communal activist, pastoral counselor and educator. Hir websites are and

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