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Sabrina Symington, aware that her current graphic novel project, She, might be generating too much tension people who are closely following the heroine Kay as she searches for her lost Natalie, has sent us a Bria cartoon that is positive, fun, and up lifting. Look at it before you go further into the twisted horror of the graphic novel, as a soothing counterpoint to all the suspense. Enjoy!
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Today we are lucky to have two cartoons by Sabrina Symington. In addition to her weekly series of suspense/horror graphic novel “She” we also have a Bria cartoon that’s just for fun. Enjjoy.
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It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and that means rain. Everything from lingering showers to heavy downpours will occur in many areas. That makes it tough for those of us who enjoy dainty, feminine footwear. From the every popular ballet flat to kicky kitten heel pumps we are often challenged in our fashion choices, and in the worst weather some of us must resort to carrying our preferred footware in a plastic bag while we trudge through the rain in rubber boots. But Sabrina Symington has another tactic to deal with those shoe destroying puddles.
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Welcome to our gender support group meeting. Please say your name and pronoun preference as we go around the circle. Sabrina Symington has drawn a cartoon that tells us all why we’re here.
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With all the Pride activities that happen around June and July Sabrina Symington has some thoughts on how she, as a transwoman, relates to it all. Sometime she has a hard time being proud because of negative treatment but at other times. . . . We’ll let her cartoon speak for her.
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Who do we turn to for a chuckle or an outright laugh in these troublesome times? Sabrina Symington of course. No matter the topic Sabrina manages to bring some humor to it. Today it’s about the culture clash. City mouse and country mouse, so to speak.
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Sabrina Symington is with us today and she’s brought along a cartoon that should make you laugh out loud. If you don’t, what’s the matter with ya? It’s getting near time for those of us in the northern hemisphere who want to think about wearing a swimsuit, out in public, when the summer arrives, to get to work on our winter bodies and tone them up. But what if there was another way? Sabrina has a new swimsuit design that takes advantage of what you’ve got.
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Some burger joints have a lot of different marketing gimmicks. Some advertise grass fed beef. Others say their burger patties are never frozen. And the trend is to go organic with patties from cows that have no added hormones. When Bria goes out for a burger and fries she is always prepared.
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Many people cope with their gender identity issues in many different ways. Some follow a clear path to the gender they need to live in and others struggle to decide what path to start down. What doesn’t help many people is the way they hid their true nature from the rest of the world. Today Bria illustrates how harmful all the hiding can be.
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Bria made a New Year’s resolution and it seems as if she’s already broken it. Could it be? She said she was done talking to that bearded weirdo who seems to either hate her for who she is, or maybe is so attracted to who she is that his 4th grade brain wants to pull her hair to get her attention. But what’s this? It turns out that she hasn’t broken any of her resolutions.
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Those who fail to learn anything about transgender people must get by using their imaginations to ponder just what kind of shady things “those people” might be getting up to. Of course they could try and learn about transgender people and then know that they “get up to” the same sorts of things all people are interested in. Today’s Sabrina Symington cartoon illustrates just one of their activities.
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Sabrina takes another swipe with her drawing program at trans-exclusionary radical feminists, TERFs. While saying they’re trying to promote one thing they seem to actually promote things that are harmful for trans women. Sabrina finds the humor in the situation when a trans woman debates a TERF.
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Today, as always, Sabrina Symington uses her cartooning talent to highlight some aspect of trans life. This time she tells a short tail that makes you wonder why those who believe that trans women aren’t “real” women need to be so angry and aggressive about it. They seem to take their objections and lack of tolerance to new heights. In the case of the TERF portrayed in this cartoon they do so literally.
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There is nothing like a cartoon to point out hypocrisy and double standards. That’s why we love Sabrina Symington. Today she takes aim at people who are prime examples of cognitive dissonance, who hold one idea about one group of people’s rights and another idea about their own rights.
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Our cartoonist, Sabrina Symington, had an unfortunate occurrence. Some creep stole her laptop and all her cartoons in progress. But Sabrina would not miss a deadline! She got out some old school paper and crayons and drew today’s cartoon by hand! Then took a picture of her work with her cell phone camera. Deadline made! See what Dykey Dinosaur has to say about the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.
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Finding your true identity is a powerful thing. Today Bria finds hers and her detractors shiver and quake in fear at her awesome presence. Beware ye who click here — but click you surely must to see the latest Sabrina Symington cartoon.
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Sophie Lynne, our Page Pundit, interviews Sabrina Pandora, a “writer, a comic book creator, an auction manager, a wife and a counselor.” Ms. Pandora is best known for her work on the Giant Girl comic books. She has published 40 short stories on her DeviantART page and has written a book titled All Dolled Up: An Odd Modern Romance. Sophie asks the questions and Ms. Pandora gives answers that are intriguing. Learn more about this Renaissance woman from Giant Girl to her Star Trek fan fiction, and more.
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Today Sabrina Symington takes on the TERFs, that’s the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, who will not accept trans women as women. Which leads them to go out of their way to find reasons why transgender females are not women. Sabrina enters the fray with several verbal weapons. See how she defeats the TERF in today’s Sabrina Toon.
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Sabrina Symington’s cartoon incarnation, Bria, is back for this month’s cartoon commentary on the state of the world regarding transgender people. In today’s toon Bria is Talking With Bigots. That saves us all from the odious task. See what Bria makes of their protestations about trans people.
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Today’s Retro Rerun is an cartoon from Kyra Kelly. Kyra did cartooning for us for several years. This toon is from 2011 and features her constant heroine, Lexy Tranner, Weekend CD. See if you can relate to Lexy’s situation.
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Why is it that some people seem to get so upset about gay or trans people? What could be the reason they feel they have to make their revulsion known to one and all? Could it be something that’s been bugging them for a long time that they just don’t want to accept? What might happen if the right stimulus came along at just the right time? Say when some vehement gay hater just couldn’t contain all that hate anymore? Sabring Symington has a cartoon that comically illustrates what could happen.
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Being forced to live in the wrong gender can make problems in a person’s life. Sometimes they don’t even realize that their problems are related to their gender issues. Sabrina Symington presents the story of one person who made a realization about their pre-transition behavior after they started to live as their true self.
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Sometimes it seems like trans folk are held to a different standard than everyone else. Today Sabrina Symington uses her cartoon art to comment on other people who can be just as “selfish” when it comes to their lives.
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Our resident cartoonist Sabrina Bria Symington has another commentary on the trials and tribulations of being transgender. Today a young woman, a princess no less, wants to join a course on womyn’s studies. However the professor in charge, Dr. Terfburger, has some problems about allowing the woman to sign up for the class. Scroll down after you read the first two panels to learn just what her reservations are.
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Our resident cartoonist Sabrina Bria Symington has another commentary on this thing we call transgender. Today she points out that there are many, many different women in the world and they have many characteristics besides, as The Big Bopper sang, “That wiggle in the walk, and giggle in the talk.” They are all unique and some have characteristics that just might make us feel better about ourselves.
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Our crossdresser cartoonist passed away in February of this year. Relive eleven of her cartoons from the past year in a TGForum slideshow. The slides will change every 10 seconds till they reach the eleventh cartoon.
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