
| Dec 21, 2020
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As I write this (then type it), it’s late December.  A couple of hours ago, I submitted the last paper of the semester — a 30 page “draft proposal” for what will eventually be my research. For those who don’t remember, I’m studying cisgender/transgender relations, specifically, why do they keep killing us?

Also, yesterday, central Pennsylvania had its first substantial snow storm in years — over a foot of snow fell on Penn State. It was peaceful to watch as the snow fell into the trees behind my apartment building. 

my car buried by snowIn the news, Biden is officially president elect, because the electoral college turned in their votes and said so. Meanwhile, Proud Boys/Nazis/Trumpanzees (yes, I know that’s redundant) roam the streets attacking at will as the police stop counter protesters from acting. Our WWII soldiers are shaking their heads in the afterlife, especially those who died fighting Nazis. 

Indulge me if you will — I’d like to drop some knowledge I’ve learned on you. First two are from my paper from Sunday with some additions.

Another aspect of this challenge may be that men see LGBT as threats to the possibility of successful mating (Buck & Nedvin, 2017). In other words, if a man doesn’t have a chance to procreate with a person, that person may be a threat, or is useless to him. In other words, if he can’t f*ck  the person, they’re useless.

However, enough men feel the pressure of their manhood as gender role stress, and feel that they must maintain their social standing as men: normative masculinity. From this subset of men arise those who attack LGBTQI people. These are the hegemonic and hypermasculine, who’s fragile self-view of their masculinity lead them to over-compensate and lash out violently. LGBTQI people are often the victims, especially transgender people.

“Most studies of surgical regret have found rates below 5%” (Hildebrand-Chupp, 2020, p. 806).

The 2015 NCTE survey: “Eight percent (8%) of respondents reported having de-transitioned at some point. Most of those who de-transitioned did so only temporarily: 62% of those who had de-transitioned reported that they were currently living full time in a gender different than the gender they were thought to be at birth.” (James et al, 2016, p. 111)

So people don’t de-transition regularly, right wing jerks.

Ladies, in the world of writing that’s also known as filler because I’m so tired of writing this week Three papers and a report all in a week I’m so tired In addition I work thirty hours a week at a local supermarket Oh and did I mention my sleep study came back I don’t have sleep apnea That cost me over $1700afterInsuranceSoIHadToGetYetAnotherLoanFromWifeToCoverMyExpensesEvenAfterSomanyofyougenerously



State College got foot of snow. Some people are still digging themselves out. May take some time.

Sources cited:

Buck, D. M., & Nedvin, M. A. (2017). The Impact of Mating Motives on Anti-Transgender Prejudice. North American Journal of Psychology19(3).

Hildebrand-Chupp, R. (2020). More than ‘canaries in the gender coal mine’: A transfeminist approach to research on detransition. The Sociological Review, 68(4), 800-816. p.806.

James, S. E., Herman, J. L., Rankin, S., Keisling, M., Mottet, L., & Anafi, M. (2016). The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey. Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality.


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Category: Transgender Body & Soul

Sophie Lynne

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