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Ninja Beauty Secrets: The Versatile Headband

| Sep 15, 2008
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This month we look at the very versatile headband, a hair accessory that is an absolute must for those of you growing out your hair and needing a way of managing it so it doesn’t get in your face.

Caveat: Please skip this article if you have male pattern baldness as exhibited on the Hamilton-Norwood Scale.
tvamp8.jpgWhat some tgirls may not realize is how close they can be to looking more feminine if they had the right haircut. The length of the hair in front of the ears, the length of the hair covering the forehead, and the length of the hair covering the back of the neck all play a part in altering people’s perceptions of you and your gender. I see a lot of young college guys sporting fuller mop-top or shag do hairstyles instead of the clean-cut, cropped hairstyles of yesteryear and it is getting more difficult these days to discern thin guys from thin girls.

Your workplace often determines the style of hair you wear. Most guys find clean-cut cropped hairstyles de rigueur for the office. I often wonder if such customs are self-imposed rather than true policy because I remember that many of my officemates in (then one of the leading consulting firms in the world) had mop-tops, Caucasian afros, and shaved heads. The clean-cut, cropped hairstyle was definitely in the minority and often limited to the sales people.

If you have some control over your appearance, consider letting your hair grow and experiencing both halves of your “self” to their fullest. A trustworthy hair stylist is the key to making your hair work in both modes and you will definitely need to learn new techniques in styling your hair for either boy or girl mode. One of the most versatile hair accessories you can wear at home or on your off days is a headband.

I’ve noticed that the men and women could wear exactly the same shag do hair style so long as the men get their sideburns cut short and women allow them to grow to chin length. In some cases, I have seen women get their side hair cut very short, almost to the point of looking like sideburns, but the cut is never blunt and flat across, but more like tapered to a point that can be styled straight down (picture 4) or curled forward (picture 11).

A headband is primarily designed to keep hair out of your face. That such a device appears ornamental is a side benefit and subject to your tastes, whims, and expense account. If you study enough pictures of girls wearing headbands, you’ll note that the headband can be placed anywhere from the very top of the head (straight up) to about 45 degrees from the top. The former method allows you to incorporate the headband as an ornament in your hair style. The latter aims to hide the hairline, perfect for those of you with receding hairlines.

Generally, the headband is worn behind the ears, but media darlings such as Ashlee Simpson have shown us that we can wear any style of headband at any angle. I like to keep some of my cowlick covering my forehead and hairline as shown in the following pictures. This keeps my hair looking flirty and fun. I do recommend getting highlights in your hair. This adds to your natural hair realism as only trendy men (metrosexuals) and genetic women get them. Your office secretaries (both female and male) will love them!


For more ninja beauty secrets, purchase “Natural Makeup Techniques” or “Secrets to an Awesome Makeover” from my web site (will open in a new window).

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul


About the Author ()

I've been active in the transgender community since 1991 and living as a full-time woman since 2010. My books are internationally recognized as some of the best makeup and transformation books for male-to-female crossdressers and transsexuals. Each book is chock full of good information and some have stories that will inspire you to be the best woman that you can be. More than just makeup and transformation books, they are sources of inspiration and portals into my life as a transgender woman. Over 3,000 women just like you have learned from these books, many of whom have gone on to become beautiful, passable, and successful in whatever they do!

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