More on Halloween costumes…

| Oct 22, 2007
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Okay, so maybe it’s a bit vain, but if I didn’t have narcissism, my tranny license would be in jeopardy. But, I made another video…

This one features Halloween photos from the last few years. And in case you’re having trouble coming up with an idea for a costume, feel free to borrow/steal/improve upon anything you see here: (

For a bit of background…the first couple of shots are from Omaha, when me and the girls decided to hit the straight bars: former TGF editor Stef Matthews, former TGF columnist Robin Adams, and muse Tami Diane. Read more here.)

Hope this inspires you to get a great costume, and then get out and show it off to the world!

  • Yum

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Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Fun & Entertainment, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

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