Metaphor Fair

| Feb 24, 2014
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We start on the carousel

In our short skirts and bright colors

High strappy heels

Around we go to the cheerful music. Around and around.

The same people, the same ride.

Some grow tired of the ride. Going in circles, going


We move on, perhaps to the swings. Where we have to be more discreet.

Longer skirts. Slacks. Modest heels.

But still spinning around and around. Going nowhere.

Too many Leave the fair

Like Lisa

Some tire of the swings. And seek others

Like them, but

Who have been on the other rides.

The Tunnel of Love. House of Horrors.

They use medicine to move to a new part

Of the Fair

Those who have come before tell the seekers

The Cost of the tickets

And for many it is

Too High

They return to the swings

The Carousel

It isn’t what it was, but

There they stay

But Some

Pay the Price.

I am on the Roller Coaster.

The car goes up and up.

I’m sure the Ride will

Turn out okay.

But for now, the huge drop is ahead.

Thrills and speed.

And I am afraid.

Sophie Smiling



  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul

Sophie Lynne

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