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Lexy Tranner Telling The Girlfriend Part 2

| Jan 28, 2008
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Lexy Tranner graphicIn the last thrilling chapter of Lexy Tranner, Weekend CD Lexy took a bold step and came out to her girlfriend. It seemed to go well and Lexy felt at the time that she had hit the “jackpot”. But how will it go in this month’s strip? Will problems arise? Will there be trouble in paradise? There’s only one way to find out and you know what you have to do…

Lexy Tranner Telling The Girlfriend Part 2

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Fun & Entertainment

Kyra Kelly

About the Author ()

Kyra is an illustrator, cartoonist, graphic designer and fine artist. In her spare time (which is rapidly vanishing) she likes to sit on the loveseat and watch old movies with her girlfriend and soulmate. She lives in Canada and loves to admire the new-fallen snow - - through a window with a hot cup of tea in her hand.

Comments (3)

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  1. says:

    I love Lexy’s way of dealing with issues, lightens up all the problems. I just recently joined TGF and was very happy to see Lexy in the Forum. Keep up the good work, everyone can always use a smile.

  2. says:

    Thanks Ronnie! Lately, my life has been writing this for me 🙂

  3. ronnierho ronnierho says:

    I do love these cartoons! Keep up the great work, Kyra!!

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