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LadyLike Magazine — Gone

| Dec 4, 2007
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I never thought I would be writing this. After 19 years of publishing LadyLike Magazine, we can no longer afford to put LadyLike on paper.

Over the past year, the cost to print LL has steadily risen. The cost to print the January 2008 issue would have been 40% higher than the January 2007 issue. When you add in shipping costs, the increase is closer to 50%.

The reasons are diverse. Subscriptions have been steadily falling due to the Internet. Distribution has fallen as small distributors close up and large outlets, like Tower Books, go bankrupt. Finally, few businesses that cater to the TG community want to advertise in print magazines. As heartbreaking as it is, we have to face reality. LadyLike is gone.

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

I am a writer, editor and educator. I was one of the 5 founders of the Renaissance Transgender Education Assoc., and have served on the boards of IFGE and AEGIS. I've published several books on CD/TS/TG subjects. My how-to books are available at the CDS Bookstand ( I am most proud of "Coping With Crossdressing: Tools and Strategies for Couples in Committed Relationships". I was an early TG political activist and one of the co-founders of GenderPAC. I wrote and published a Bill of Gender Rights in December 1990. I've appeared on several television shows and in the movie "All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go". I published "LadyLike" magazine for 18 years, as well as "EnFemme" magazine and "International TranScript". (JoAnn passed away in June of 2013.)

Comments (10)

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  1. says:

    I have been buying and then subscribing to LL since #29. It is the cleanest TG magazine I have come accross. I have been collecting previous LLs for my collection and referenece.
    LL has come along way from edition 2, which is the earliest one I have to the end. I will miss the hardcopy for my personal enjoyment privately. Internet time is limited for me.
    LL has informed me about our community better than any other magazine, without seeing genitals. I have used it as a teaching tool for my friends who don`t understand my choice of being feminine and showing them that this is not the stereotyped perversion that porn offers.
    I hope some day that LL will reemerge and be better.
    I have already sent a commnet to Joann about the demise of LL, knowing it is a smart business decision. I don`t want Joann to lose her shirt, uh, blouse in this venture. I want to thank all of those who sent the letters, pics and comments, for I have read them over and over. Also, I want to thank the staff for workng hard to publish LL.
    Debra J. Martin
    Vancouver, WA

  2. says:

    It was a great magazine with great pictures and contributors. Sad to see it go, but times change. It was done in by the sucess of the Internet and the proliferation of online CD/TG websites and forums. Also the ability to put out / publish a magazine in .pdf format (and save it as a file and burn it onto a CD and look at it / print it out later) has rendered much print media obsolete. It did serve a real need for those nearly two decades as many of us were getting off the ground and coming up to speed on the online CD/TG world – LadyLike was the last of the great full color glossy CD/TG print magazines.

  3. says:

    I just paid for a years subscription,will I get that money back.I have also enjoyed the magizine very much. I thought by paying for the magizine that you were able to publisize it. Its a real shame!!!!!!!!!!

  4. says:

    I would like to thank the ladies of Ladylike for being there for so many years when there was little else. You did a fantastic job.

  5. says:

    Say it ain’t so Jo…Ann,

    When I started getting Lady like, my P O box cost me 12 dollars a year. Now I pay over $50 for the same box and it is primarily for Ladylike. To say I will miss it does not even start to touch my feelings. I have been with you when it was so small I could call in the evenings and speak to JoAnn directly. When I was “discovered” JoAnn sent me material on a “I will help you now, you pay me later” understanding. You have been a friend, a female friend to me for a long time and I will miss that very much!

    Barbara Jean Daniels

  6. says:

    Sorry that Ladylike is no longer, I have met and corresponded with many terrific people

  7. joann joann says:

    I echo Angela’s feelings. We sincerely appreciate the kind comments. Rather than start a new website from scratch, we will fold into TGF the stuff we were planning for LadyLike in the coming year. That means the Profiles, Current Queen and other materials will get posted right here.

    We will start posting that material in January, including a Profile of Olivia from Chicago and a pictorial from Beauty & The Beach 2007.

  8. angela_g angela_g says:

    Thanks for the kind comments. LadyLike will be around right here on TGF. We are in the midst of high level meetings (or are just sitting around chewing it all over) and will be bringing selected features to TGF. Stay tuned!

  9. lucinda lucinda says:

    LadyLike Magazine has been such a wonderful publication that has helped a lot of us to better understand ourselves. We assume that it was started in the first place because there was nothing like it available, if it is discontinued there will be a giant void for the many readers who count on it to help them cope. It would be nice if it could continue on as a online version.

  10. says:

    Why not introduce Lady Like magazine on the net instead the same as TG Form. The cost would be a lot less and our loyal readers could enjoy the new version.

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