Ho, Ho, Ho

| Jan 3, 2011
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Sophie file this before the Christmas holiday.

Ho, Ho, and who you callin’ a Ho? It’s Sophie Lynne and it’s Christmas. I guess it’d be more “politically correct” to say it’s (fill in the blank) but let’s face it: here in the US Christmas is everywhere and permeates everything. Can’t avoid it, even by lighting eight candles against the darkness. So ho ho ho and here we go!

In such a cheerful holiday setting, I am going to talk about something as common as bad drivers and rude shoppers during the holidays: Lying.

Sophie Lynne

Yes. Lying. “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.” “Lies, lies, lies, yeah.”

As I type this, it is the Winter solstice. Shortest day of the year — a day of darkness. Hidden somewhere in this house are all the trappings that make me look female. (They don’t MAKE me Sophie, they just make me look like her. I’m always Sophie.) My wife is probably unaware of their existence. I say probably, and I’ll get back to that.

See, by hiding my double life from her, I am lying. It’s a lie many of us live. Why? Why deny who we really are? Well in my case it’s because she would throw me out. I think.

I’ve been married 18 years. Wow I’m old! 😉 I didn’t marry an idiot. She is quite an intelligent woman. So, let’s look at what I have done so far to drop hints, try as I might not to do so.

1) Halloween 2008: I went dressed as Lois Lane to her Clark Kent. She saw me in full drag and was thoroughly disgusted by it. This, by the way, was the night of my re-awakening.
2) In August of 2009, I went into Philly with a friend. We had some drinks and I got both my ears pierced. She and her mother hated it. Her mother called me “faggot” and “fairy.” Eventually, the furor died down. My ears are still pierced.
3) At least once a month, I shave my legs and arm pits. During the summer, I occasionally shave my chest. I am a hairy person. It’s noticeable. She mentions it. She hates it. I don’t stop. I have slowly trimmed down my eyebrows as well.
4) Weight loss. Since 2008, I’ve lost a LOT of weight. In fact, I may soon need a new corset.

There are other little things as well, like the cross dressing catalogues she intercepted in the mail that I’ve tried to cancel more than once. The point is, she’s not an idiot and may have figured this out. Yet if she has, she hasn’t confronted me with it. My therapist thinks she may be deep in denial.

So the lies continue. At least once a month, I put on a skirt and makeup and meet my t-friends. I live for it. I lie to achieve it. I hate lies. People who know me know I am blunt to the point of rudeness. It’s a fault, yes, one of many. I hate lies. Yet to dress as a woman, I lie to the person I am supposed to be devoted to and share all.

What if I continue down the road? I’d like to get laser done on my face. What if I decide that I need to be Sophie more often — even full time? At what point do I tell her?

Many of the people reading this face these questions. Some have answered them in their own way. I am in awe of their courage. My God, what they have overcome! And to do what? Something that 90% of society spits upon! Yet it’s something they must do. I understand this, even if I am too afraid to join them.

I guess right now on this longest night, I will wonder what is next. Where I am to go from here? But I know what will happen. I will wait, and I will lie. And swallow all the pain and frustration that it entails.

That all said, may your holidays be of as much possible joy and may the New Year bring us all courage as it will be harder for us. Take heart — be strong, and a new pair of pumps would be nice, if you’re reading Santa! 😉

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion

Sophie Lynne

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  1. Katee Katee says:

    Dear Sophie, Thanks for your writing and for your sharing. I don’t know another group on this earth that is so conflicted. One of the luckiest things I’ve ever done was to go to Southern Comfort where I met so many people just like me. And from them, I’ve drawn so much courage and in a way, peace. You are who you are. Your wife has to understand that, too. You’re not an axe murderer…you are just transgendered…two-spirited as the American Indians put it. She is lucky to have someone so in tune with her and so diverse. Someday, she may understand. But the only way forward is to hold on to your dignity and keep your head held high. You are a wonderful human being and we are all better because of it. Happy New Year! Caitlin Ann Grant

  2. says:

    My S.O. Knows everything about me! It does not mean that she is real happy about it! I am always Me, even though I sometime dress as a male! This means that I am Very, Very, Very Lucky! We have been together 36 Years! The Gender Therapist really helped us! I was able to understand what she might be feeling and she was able to understand My T’ness! We hold no secrets from each other! Because we are best friends We have been able to stay together! She has taught me how to be a female and a human! We have even shared a few lovers! Fantastic! Wow! We look forward to seeing each other Ever Morning and every night when we get home from work! From what we have observed is that Most Marriage that breakup over being a T have occurred because of secrets and hiding feelings. We have talked to many Spouses and it is the lack of trust issues that cause the most problems! You know your own relationships! Talk to your therapists and have Your S.O. talk to your Therapist several times in private (with out you being there)! Your acting as a typical male if you do not!

  3. says:

    Sophie, I, like you, knows that what I do is hurtful to my wife. I wish there was some way to be me and the man she wants me to be. The only solution is to lie to the one you love in an effort to protect from a part of you she can’t handle. No harm-no foul, but I know that isn’t true. It’s just a way to try to make things work.