From the Desk of Alexis Dee — Southern Comfort Update

| Aug 26, 2013
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Alexis Dee

Alexis Dee

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer season. Labor Day is just around the corner, and so is one of the most anticipated event of the year! In less than two weeks Southern Comfort will be taking place at the Crowne Plaza @Ravinia Atlanta, Georgia. SCC is the premier conference for the LGBT community.

The staff at SCC have put together an exceptional event this year and are confident that those attending will thoroughly enjoy it. You will be enlighten, educated and entertained!

Come meet Kristin Beck, a former Navy SEAL who has recently transitioned and will speak on Friday, September 6th from 2:30 to 3:00. If you are a veteran, join Kristin in suite 1421 for a reception.

Friday the 6th is packed with exciting events — at 9:00 a.m. come hear Masen Davis speak about current issues that face the trans community. Also at 1:30 Meghan Stabler will be a key note speaker regarding new workplace and employment rights.

As always, the top performing surgeons and physicians in their field of expertise will be on board for our community. They will be there to answer your questions and many will have free consultation appointments available.

Don’t leave the spouse or family member home. We have as always on Saturday the Comfort Room for MtF spouses and the all new this year the Family Room for support and education to all family members of a transgendered attendee. Please check out our website for times and more information.

Please stop by to say hello to me directly, I want to welcome you personally into our family and community.


Alexis Dee
2013 Conference Chair Southern Comfort Conference

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Category: Transgender Community News


About the Author ()

I have been very involved in our community for many years. I have worked with the Southern Comfort Conference for the last ten years and have had the honor to chair the conference three times. I am also on the Board of Directors for SCC and am currently on the Out&Equal Transgender Advisory Committee.

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