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Es Lunes! Viva TGF!

| Mar 30, 2009
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Hola amigas! Yes, it’s Monday morning and that means — let’s say it all together — it’s time for the TGF Monday Edition! Just typing the Spanish word for Monday reminds me of our Drag Race blogger Luna. While the Race is over I asked if she might consider blogging for us on other subjects and she’s giving it some thought. We may have her writing in our pages again soon. And thanks again for the great coverage of the RuPaul show!

And speaking of writers, this week we welcome out newest blogger, and cub reporter, Gina Vizavi. Gina is a pal from my Laptop Lounge parties and she mentioned to me that she had seen the film Beautiful Daughters and was moved by it. I suggested she do a review since the film is available on DVD as well as online and voilà! She debuts today. Check out her review.

But, leading off the wave of words for this edition (it’s jam packed with TG fun) we go from something new to something tried and true — This Week In Transgenderism, the pet project of our News Editor Ronnie Rho. Miss Rho has panned the Web and sifted out the flecks of TG gold for your education and entertainment. This week we learn about who is playing the tough TG character in the new Ang Lee movie, Taking Woodstock (hint: It’s not me and it’s not Dimitri Martin)  that Isis has had the op and copped a beau, and how a drag queen stole the limelight for Pamela Anderson. If you want to stay informed on all the news featuring girls like us you can’t miss TWIT.

Our resident therapist Dr. Maureen Osborne is here today with part one of her two parter, The Transgender Spectrum: Where do I fit? (I’m just to the left of the purple section!) Dr. Osborne has adapted the speech she gave at The Keystone Conference to create today’s column and it is so detailed that it’s going to conclude next month. If you want to know where you fit on the TG spectrum you don’t need a prism and a flashlight, you need to read The Transgender Spectrum.

Dina Amberle, the head waitress (stop that giggling!) down at Dina’s Diner is here today with a few blue plate specials. She makes some observations on high heels, thigh high boots, the value of experience in crossdressing — and she brings us a reprint of a section of her old (10 years old) column in Transgender Community News that is still just as fresh today as it was then. They really have a good deep freeze at Dina’s Diner. Check it out!

Speaking of fresh dish, Miss Kalina Isato brings us another serving of Stochastic Musings (so much classier than Random Thoughts) and takes us along on a few of her latest adventures including a trip to Night of 1000 Gowns, Philadelphia’s Le Bec Fin, and a few other fab, upscale restaurants. Along the way she tells us about the dishes she consumed and dishes a few people for good measure. Keep up with Miss Isato’s transsexual evolution, and her diet, in this month’s Stochastic Musings.

Our sex Canadian correspondent, Linda Jensen, has another tale that let’s us know it can get pretty hot up there in the northern regions. Miss Jensen, while on a trip to see Tiger Woods play golf, meets a man from the Canadian Maritimes and he takes her for a ride on his boat, so to speak. The next day Linda is faced with a dilemma that could only happen to one of us and she decides she needs advice so we get to be her Ann Landers. See what advice you can give Linda after you’ve read her column for this month, Dear Ann Landers…

And last up for this week is our newest writer Gina Vizavi with A Film Review: Beautiful Daughters.

Don’t forget, let us know if you love it, hate or want to hit it with your purse. Make a comment or send me an email direct. Now, hit that TGForum Today pulldown and start reading!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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