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Diane’s Weight Loss Tips

| May 20, 2019
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Reaching and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

By Diane Hutchinson

Photo of slim young woman.

Can dieting let you reach this goal?

In this article I’ll give you all my tips for actually losing and maintaining weight. In reading these please keep in mind that the real key to any diet is being consistent. That means taking these tips, and any other ones you use, to heart. By the way, I realize that not all of these tips are for everyone, but why not implement the ones that work for you. Perhaps the others you don’t use might aid you in developing some new ones of your own. Over the years I have probably found and developed hundreds of tips that work for me. Since I can’t list them all, here is a list of some of my best:

Diane’s Weight Control Tips

1. Remember that low fat does not always mean low calorie. Two classic examples are some of the fat free candies and salad dressings. Take a look at the back of some of the packages for an unpleasant surprise. Really examine a product that claims to be low fat before you buy it, to avoid making costly mistakes.

2. Discover healthier treats that you actually like. Substitute those as much as possible for the higher calorie or fatty treats. I love frozen yogurt, and have not had ice cream in years. You know what? I never miss it.

3. Drink diet soda instead of regular, if you can stand it. If not, stick to water. One can of soda has 150 calories compared to zero in diet soda or water. By the way I hated diet soda until I forced myself to drink it for a week (guess that’s how long it takes for your taste buds to die..

4. If you are planning a big meal, or going out to eat, have a small healthy snack before hand, like an apple, or a hand full of fat-free pretzels. This will take the edge off your hunger and help you resist overeating.

5. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, not worrying about getting the closest parking space, using the bathroom on a different floor at work, and taking a walk at lunch are just a few examples of how you can increase your daily activity level. By themselves they won’t do much, but it all adds up. Notice that none of these activities take any real time.

6. At my work people are always bringing in cookies or donuts. To combat this situation I came up with the rule that if I wanted one of the goodies I would wait an hour before taking one. Almost always the choice would be made for me as they will have disappeared, or I would change my mind by then. This tip works anywhere, even support group meetings!

7. There are plenty of low calorie/low fat products out there; the trick is to find the ones you can live with most of the time. I have grown to appreciate a good garden burger, and most of the time will have that, or grilled chicken. On occasion I still treat myself to a real burger, but not too often. Big calorie savings can be found by using the right condiments. Mustard, or even ketchup, instead of mayo, or forgoing the butter on vegetables or bread, will net you big time savings.

8. Just because food is free, or comes on your plate, does not mean you have to eat it all. Every notice how most people pig out at at a restaurant or at events where the food is provided? They have a large portion when they would normally have only a regular sized one, or have a piece of cake when normally they don’t eat dessert. This can really sock it to you in the waist. Take your time; pick what you really want to eat, and stop when you are full. Most restaurants do provide doggie bags.

9. Learn to read food labels so you don’t just put food into your mouth blindly. I remember a situation where I was presented with my choice of any type of Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar for free. I had been really good for a long time, and felt I had earned a special treat. Besides, I thought, how bad could it be? After selecting my choice I glanced at the back label and then returned the bar. That ice cream bar contained over half of my daily fat allowance and almost a third of the calories I normally eat in a day! Sure, it would have been good, but is it worth all that for such a tiny treat?

10. Whenever you can, cut corners. For example, how many times do you get a sandwich with a giant roll that is too big for the meat in the sandwich. Rather than just eat the whole roll, I always move the meat all into one area, and trim the extra roll off. I know this sounds really anal retentive, but it is stuff like this that really adds up over time.

11. Keep only healthy snacks around at home, and at work. If you are going to a party where you think there will be no snacks you can fit into your diet, offer to bring one, and then just make it a healthy one you like. By doing these things you should never find yourself in a situation with only “bad” snacks.

12. On occasion treat yourself to something you know is bad for you, but you love. When you do, be sure to at least make it worth it. Don’t waste your treat on low grade chocolate, or some crappie store bought cookies. Have an imported chocolate, or a real home baked cookie. It will make the experience much more worth while. Also, by doing this on occasion you will “let off steam” and not feel like you are always deprived.

By adhering to my rules for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, following a sensible diet plan, and utilizing these weight control tips along with you own, you will be fitting into that sexy little number before you know it.

Remember that you can never cheat on a diet, you only can cheat on yourself.

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About the Author ()

Diane was born and raised in New Jersey. She has two fully grown sons and a husband of thirteen years. Diane runs a two small businesses and in her spare time enjoys strategy board gaming.

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