Congratulations to New York on it’s Gay Nuptials
Now the LGBT citizens of New York state can get married! It’s a big breakthrough for LGB people but what’s it do for us Ts? I’m guessing that it will have benefits that I just can’t think of at the moment. After wrestling the TGF new content into shape all night my brain can only process so much. So, congratulations New York same sex lovers! Now you can get married, and divorced, and have fights about the mortgage payment, just like all the straight people. Enjoy!
Speaking of new content, today we bring you two articles from the opposite ends of the spectrum. The first is a column by TGF contributor Dallas Denny. It is an exposé on the seeming demise of The International Foundation for Gender Education.
Back in the 1980s IFGE’s Tapestry was the first contact I had with the TG community. Through Tapestry I met JoAnn Roberts, we worked with others to start Renaisance, I wrote for TGForum and later edited LadyLike. Without IFGE and their Tapestry magazine I wouldn’t be writing this right now.
Sadly, Dallas reports that IFGE isn’t the IFGE it used to be. Find out what you need to know about what’s happened to IFGE. The title will give you a clue: Disaster, Deceit, and Betrayal at the International Foundation for Gender Education.
On the other end of the spectrum, far from falling institutions and collapsing dreams, is our Canadian correspondent Linda Jensen. Linda was visiting a young relative’s home and spent some time perusing his collection of Harry Potter books. Of course she might not be the first person who had the thought that the secret world of wizardry was a bit like the secret world of crossdressing. But she’s written about it in an entertaining and completely logical way. She’s even found some evidence in the books that J.K. Rowling may have been aware of the similarity. I know I’ve always known what I would do with that polyjuice potion. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Read Linda’s Crossdressing: It’s One Big Harry Potter Adventure.
Of course we can’t forget our regular feature, The Week In Transgenderism. I have personally worked every search engine known to man, or transwoman, to the full extent of their capabilities to bring you a great big pile of TG news from all over the place. Find out what drag queen will be the voice of Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit. Learn about an 8 year old T girl who is sure of her place on the gender spectrum. Find out what Eddie Izzard is up to and look out for several TWITs — including the dork who got on a US Airways plane in a blue bikini, black thigh highs, and a little white shawl. There’s a TWIT award just for the outfit, even without the fact that she got on a plane like that. All that and a whole lot more are waiting for you in TWIT.
Well then, you’ve got a lot of reading to do, young lady. Better get started! And don’t forget to make new TGFriends today!
Category: TG Forum News