breast forrms

The New Girl, Chapter 3

| Jul 4, 2011
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Nikki went out with her backdoor man, Karl, instead of going out with the girls like she told her boyfriend. Now she’s going to Karl’s place.

On the elevator, Karl’s advances were stopped by Nikki.

“Ah-ahhh! Wait just a couple of minutes so we can have some privacy!” Having control over the independent Karl was turning her on immensely.

“What to do? What to do? And why don’t I have tits?”

Karl fumbled with his keys while Nikki stood behind him and rubbed his crotch.

“Can I sneak out without being seen?”

Karl finally opened his door. He pulled Nikki inside and pushed her against the wall. In the darkness he kissed her deeply and groped her huge breasts as she groaned. He caressed her everywhere…

George’s body tingled all over. His waist pulled in a little tighter and higher on his body, completing his feminine figure. He felt a warmth, so very sensual. He smiled, closed his eyes, writhed and moaned as he swayed his womanly hips. So turned on! He didn’t notice the tingling in his chest.

Small breasts budded, expanding his nipples. They grew slowly at first, becoming larger and rounder.

George felt his chest bounce, opened his eyes and laughed with delight. He put his hands on his growing breasts and felt their firmness against his tightening shirt.

Karl threw Nikki to the couch and pulled off her jeans and panties.

“Oh yes!” she shouted as she pulled off her top.

Karl quickly undid his pants and pulled off his boxers.

George looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes! He had breasts! Huge ones like… like Nikki’s! “Oh my God!” he thought. “How will I…”

Then it hit him.

…a warm and trembling tingle as his manhood shrank and withdrew into him.

Changing, reforming.

George was no longer a man. He became his dream  — Gina.

A Woman.

The Spirit smiled, satisfied. Just a few loose ends…

The man reentered the bathroom and banged on the stall door.

“Hurry the fuck up!”

Gina opened her eyes and looked at herself. She could clearly see her cleavage in her tight white tank top, and feel tightness of the white push up bra beneath that. Her tattered pants were replaced by the signature pantyhose and tight orange shorts of her new uniform.

Gina was a Hooters Girl!

She opened the stall door and the guy almost jumped.

“Uh, ummm” he said.

“Sorry but you guys need to clean your own messes so I won’t have to!” Gina said, smiling.

She then strolled out of the men’s room, hips gyrating and breasts bouncing. Smiling.

The man stared as the door closed behind her.

Gina walked over to Brandi, one of the most experienced waitresses on the floor.

“Ok, that’s finished. It was so gross!” Gina said.

“That’s why you were chosen to do it!” Brandi said. “You’re low girl on the totem pole since it’s your first day.”

Gina rolled her eyes and smiled as they both laughed.

“Do you think you can handle the next table by yourself?” Brandi asked.

“Sure! I’ll try!’

Gina took her notepad and went to the table just seated — a cute guy sitting alone, oh that can’t be him…

Steve looked up and saw the stunning auburn haired waitress coming to his table and smiled weakly. Anything to take his mind off Nikki and her other guy, whoever he was. And this waitress was definitely hot enough to do that!

“Hi! Welcome to Hooters! I’m Gina and I’ll be taking care of you today!”

“Hi! Um, I want a beer,” Steve said. He couldn’t take his eyes off Gina. Most Hooters girls were hot, but she had something else…

“One beer. Any special kind?” the new girl said, smiling.

The Spirit decided to do just a little more. Gina suddenly had a history. She had documentation; diplomas, an apartment, everything — and she knew it. She still remembered being George, but now George was gone.

The next morning, Nikki woke in Karl’s arms. She didn’t feel right. She looked down and saw that she didn’t fill out her nightshirt like she should. She stood and went to the mirror. Her boobs! Oh my God her boobs shrank! They were maybe a B cup now! How? What happened?

Karl stirred and mumbled in his sleep.

Nikki dressed and went home, calling a doctor on the way.

The Spirit smiled and moved on. Everyone got what they wanted or deserved. Or both.

Six months later, Gina sat in a nice restaurant waiting for her guy to return from the men’s room. She wore her favorite little black dress which showed off her breasts just enough to drive her man wild, black stockings and red pumps (just to be bold!) She sat pondering how life had changed for her, and for everyone else.

Steve and Nikki were long broken up. He found the courage to do it after he met a new girl, and wanted to date her instead.

Karl lost interest in Nikki very quickly after that night. He was a breast man after all and hers were gone. He stopped returning her calls and texts, especially after Steve left her. Now that new chick Steve was dating — she was hot. He wondered if he could get her from him too . . .

Nikki had a rough time for a bit. The doctors had no explanation for the sudden decrease in her breast size. She found that some “doors” previously open to her just weren’t there anymore. She lost her job within a week as she was late and didn’t have George to cover for her. Poor George! She wondered what happened to him and hoped it wasn’t bad.

No one heard from George again. He was declared missing and would eventually be declared dead. His missing persons file grew cold on a shelf at the local police department.

Gina was happy. She was making tons of money as a Hooters girl, and was almost on the calendar! She also was accepted to graduate school, where she would get a far better start on a career. Gina started seeing Steve a few weeks after she first waited on him. He came back a few times to the restaurant, then the chance meeting in the mall where he asked her number. Steve is happy and he keeps Gina very happy. In fact, tonight they’re celebrating his birthday and she has a special surprise for him she bought that afternoon at Victoria’s Secret!

Sometimes nice girls don’t finish last!

  • Yum

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Category: Fiction


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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