Chanelle Examines Online Dating
First of all, from my own experience I’ve gained over the past three months in this game, I will strongly urge you to not get too attached to the person you are getting to know because frankly, there are many people who will be getting to know more than one person at a time and you may get your heart broken by getting tossed into the “friend-zone.” My heart was broken after I started to like a girl I’ve talked to several times on video chat and wanted to meet in person. Things were going just fine until after a week-long work trip she told me she started seeing someone else and that someone else is whom she wants to “build something beautiful with.” I suggest that you should first meet in person and offline and only then you should start taking the person you’ve met seriously. Although it seems like a rare thing for other people, maybe even you to agree to, but meeting in person is the key to success in online dating and taking the talking stage into a very real and serious relationship. It is the key, in fact, because the digital media do not convey the whole physical profile of a potential mate, hindering physical attraction.
In the second part of this article, I would like you to think about the most important person in your life — YOU. I want you to think about why are you going into online dating or considered it and what you want to get out of it. To accomplish this task, I want you to touch base with the most important question in this topic — the question behind the psychology of finding love on the World Wide Web: Why do people even resort to online dating? The are many answers as to why people choose to find mates through the power of the Internet, but two specific answers stand out.
First major reason is something that most everyone will agree on. Everyone values their time — at least some more than others — and they don’t have the free time to go out to the various venues and socialize with the potentially right people. Thus, they are limited to finding people within their work circles, which does not always end well. People, who really want to find that someone special, pour out some useful non-private information onto their profiles on favorite hobbies, film and music interests, life goals and dreams, education level, and little things like children — whether they have or they want/might want — and four-legged kids (pets). Some online daters even post about what they do on a regular basis when they mention when they work and maybe in what industry they work, just to give you an idea of what to expect when you are interested in getting to know them. Asking about their schedule is the key to getting to know someone fast. Why? Because when you know exactly when they take time out for leisure, you will not assume they are always busy and you will have the confidence to make your move and get your foot in their door, so to speak…
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The second major reason may shock some of you and learning of it may help some of you. If you think you are the only loner in the world, you are crazy! You are not alone, ever. There’s always someone out there, maybe of whose existence you don’t know, who shares the same interests as you. What do I mean here? Well, think about the following. Have you ever gone into your garage to take out your bicycle and go for a spin, and there’s no one to go with you? Face it — you’ve ridden by yourself in the park, around the neighborhood, and maybe even went on a city run at noon and still have not met a single person to participate in this activity with you! You are not alone and there are people who can never find their perfect “partner in crime.” So what are you to do? Get into social networks and dating sites and find people by interests. When two strangers come together and enjoy something they both like, or even love, they will not only become friends, they will become great friends, maybe more — if you know what I’m getting at. A powerful force of fondness can come out of enjoying the same interest together. Your goal is to approach people with intention to chat online for a bit and then come together with the partner to participate in your common interests. While this is a helpful strategy, it is shocking to know there are so many loners in the world because they do not think of using this strategy and instead embark on a crazy and wild adventure of finding people who have completely different interests and joining for brief periods of time before dissolving all ties. While for some the strategy works or have worked in the past, I do strongly recommend expressing yourself in things that make you feel comfortable and “at home,” so to speak.
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender How To, Transgender Opinion