Chanelle Does Her Nails

| Dec 8, 2014
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Category: Transgender How To


About the Author ()

I'm a 20-something. Florida bird since 2006. Have been crossdressing on a part-time basis since 2012 with a couple of breaks in between. As of 2018, I'm taking an indefinite break from the TG life in the aggressive pursuit of a full-time career as a music producer and artist. On TG Forum, you can discover several articles I've penned on relationships, business and most importantly for this blog, topics of crossdressing while continuously learning about this world with you.

Comments (1)

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  1. says:

    Great, over the years I had experimented with the glues supplied with fake nails. I never thought of buying a roll of double sided tape!!
    By the way it is possible to buy packets of double sided fake nail adhesive shapes. But this has to be way cheaper,
    Thanks Chantelle.